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  1. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    Great, thank you. I have a website for inflow right now ( but its not completed, it just has some basic info and my portfolio from when I was a freelancer. I'm going to focus 100% on cold calling at least for the next week, and if its just not working out I will finish my...
  2. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    Both @Andy Black and @Bounce Back , thank you guys for your valuable advice, I really appreciate it and it's helping me a lot. I am considering just using social media but I don't want to give up cold calling so fast. One obstacle I've been running into is calling the right number. Often when I...
  3. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    I skipped school today to cold call, and I've done about 30 so far. 3 have commented on my voice, saying I sound like a teenager (because I am one). Also, my profile picture on my email is myself, and I'm worried that will also deter prospects. What should I do, just go completely incognito on...
  4. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    Thank you, I'm living in Vermont right now so not many business meetups ever haha, but I'll make a facebook account today and look for groups. I also just checked out all of your links in your signature and theyre extremely valuable soo thank you.
  5. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    Hahaha thank you man, I realized while building my own website that I might be wasting my time if this business isn't for me, so I'm not quite finished it yet I'm more focused on actually being able to sell.
  6. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    That's my website. And you're right, I'm yet to sign a client. I've sent out about 300 (extremely personalized) cold emails, so that might be one thing I'm doing wrong. I will give cold calling a try tomorrow morning, thank you. That is an amazing idea with the doc and everything. As far as...
  7. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    That's great advice, thank you. I admit I am guilty of labelling "pivoting" as giving up early on, but now it's more because I value my time more and I don't want to waste my time trying to build a dead end business. I haven't switched businesses for that reason yet, but I'm debating it. Right...
  8. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    How do you know when to pivot? I don't want to give up too soon, but I also don't want to waste time trying to make the wrong vehicle work if that makes sense.
  9. sean02116

    Question for Business Founders

    Those who have already successfully started and scaled a business, what did you do differently when starting that business, compared to your failed businesses? Did you notice anything different about how you worked on it, or how you felt about it?
  10. sean02116

    Law of Effection & Commandment of Need

    Interesting. You have a good point. I guess I just think Need because regardless if you're in control or not, the business will not be successful long term without fulfilling the commandment of need.
  11. sean02116

    Law of Effection & Commandment of Need

    Hey everyone, while re-reading MF, I thought of a simple equation that I think does a pretty good job of simplifying the law of effection's relation to wealth creation. Its Wealth = # of people effected x amount of effect on each person. I don't think I worded that in the best way, but you get...
  12. sean02116


    Hello everybody, I just joined the Fastlane Forum. I joined because I'm looking for a community of people that share the same goals, ambitions, and priorities that I do. I'm still in highschool so I'm still very much at the beginning of my journey, so I'm looking to talk with people that have...

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