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  1. ThomasTLM

    The lifestyle, hobbies, and fun thread.

    HOT! CHAT 
    You just described my entire mental state over the past couple weeks.
  2. ThomasTLM

    You're from where??

    Fort Wayne, Indiana. If anyone is even somewhat nearby, let's meet up and talk fastlane!
  3. ThomasTLM

    The Escape Number Problem

    This is something I realized after calculating my escape number. I realized that I totally overestimated the costs of things like my dream home, how much land I would want, healthcare costs for my family, etc. If I end up selling a business for even a couple million (after taxes), then I'm set...
  4. ThomasTLM

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    View: 1.6B in revenue later.... "No one would buy a heavier, more expensive cooler!"
  5. ThomasTLM

    Value skew: What discernible difference ultimately turned you into a buyer or x-buyer?

    The Wal-Mart near my house is basically on it's knees pleading with me to become an ex-buyer. Very recently our Wal-Mart down the road remodeled and had a "grand re-opening". All that really happened was it updated it's clothing section of the store and it moved a lot of things around. It was a...
  6. ThomasTLM

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    I feel this. I use Mimo on my phone to learn some coding on-the-go, and it does the same thing you are talking about. I find it really annoying. Not everything has to be gamified.
  7. ThomasTLM

    "Normal, but Perfect," A Decision-Framework for Living Your Best Life

    Thank you for this MJ. I need to consistently be checking myself to make sure I'm progressing towards my goals. This newsletter helped.
  8. ThomasTLM

    Life changing books you GOT to read at least once your lifetime

    Ooooh so many books come to mind. I'll have to revisit this thread, but I'll throw out a few: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis The Hobbit + The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
  9. ThomasTLM

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    If I got a nickel for the amount of times someone in the comments of that article recommended sharks with lasers, I would have 2 nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
  10. ThomasTLM

    STOP Paying Rent: Live For Free

    Thanks for the response! Wow, only 48? Just kidding. I guess one big question (which is really just more of a doubt of mine than a question) has to do with stories I’ve heard of people purchasing real estate without any of their own money. Is this actually true? Of course, I’m sure this took...
  11. ThomasTLM

    STOP Paying Rent: Live For Free

    I'm really happy to see this thread still somewhat active even 10 years later. My wife and I are looking into RE, and we want to build our Fastlane Fortress. Thank you for the info! Does anyone else involved in RE have anything to add given today's market? I know that the market can be...
  12. ThomasTLM

    I am a fastlaner. I am SOOOOO fastlaner that...

    THIS IS SO REAL :rofl::rofl:
  13. ThomasTLM

    I am a fastlaner. I am SOOOOO fastlaner that...

    I’m a Fastlaner. I’m such a Fastlaner, in fact, that whenever I see a group of kids selling water and lemonade next to our town’s pickleball courts I tell my wife “Wow! They’re young entrepreneurs!”
  14. ThomasTLM

    2 failures, 1 success: My Onramp into the Fastlane

    How is this thread not gold already? Lol THIS right here is my current predicament/mind-f*ck: I’m gonna be totally honest. I went to school for Civil Engineering and realized halfway through that what I really wanted to do was Architecture. However I figured I was too far into engineering to...
  15. ThomasTLM

    Exhausted by the grind?

    This is awesome. Thank you @Antifragile
  16. ThomasTLM

    2 failures, 1 success: My Onramp into the Fastlane

    Okay I guess that’s pretty obvious :happy: I got my EIT license in May of 2023. It would be interesting to start something like this, but I wouldn’t be able to until getting a PE.
  17. ThomasTLM

    2 failures, 1 success: My Onramp into the Fastlane

    You’ve piqued my curiosity…can I ask why you say this? I graduated with a BS in Civil Engineering and am working as a structural engineer.
  18. ThomasTLM

    What would you tell your 18 or 25 year old self?

    To my 18-year-old self: No one is perfect, including you. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't still strive for perfection. Listen to those that you know love you. Ignore and unfriend those that quite obviously don't. Don't do Structural Engineering. Find a way to earn enough money and create a...