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  1. yerushalaim

    Fitness plan

    For the past few days I’ve been thinking how I can really help people and provide a real value. Since I don’t have any IT skills or any other that are so valuable nowadays the only thing I really now something about is fitness. I got into shape and think that I could create some kind of product...
  2. yerushalaim

    Young Social Media Influencers Make 60k Profit per Month

    Don’t you think that it is possible to provide real value to people through droppshipping?
  3. yerushalaim

    Young Social Media Influencers Make 60k Profit per Month

    Glad that found the thread about it that is not 1year+ old, btw how long are you already on the forum? Have you ever met here anyone who really makes sufficient amount of money on dropshipping?
  4. yerushalaim


    My name is Vladimir and I’m from Russia, but it’s just so happened to be so that now I study in Israel, although I’ve read the “Millionaire Fastlane” a year ago and since then read ton of business book I only got my hands on the forum now. I’m planning to start a dropshipping store and put all...

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