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  1. Sahil01

    Sahil's Web Design Accountability Thread

    I know it because when I applied for these setter roles, they would explicitly let me know that they don't want to hire someone with an accent. For the website redesign offer : "Hey name, are you taking on clients at the moment?" If they reply positively, I drive the conversation towards their...
  2. Sahil01

    Sahil's Web Design Accountability Thread

    So here's a late update haha : Reaching out to businesses to simply build out their websites didn't work out at all. Maybe because I have no proof of success or maybe my skills are mediocre, not sure. I did the reach out for about a month with no success. After that, I figured I first needed a...
  3. Sahil01

    Earning $5.5K/mo at 16: I'm doing it.

    In one of your old replies, you said you hired your contractor through upwork. Are these 2 different people? How do you make sure you've hired the right person?
  4. Sahil01

    Sahil's Web Design Accountability Thread

    Here's the 1st week update : So cold calling isn't an option for me, skype is the only way and it'll end up costing me around $12/month which is simply unaffordable as a student in India. So I looked at other methods. Emails aren't an option either because I don't have a custom domain for...
  5. Sahil01

    Sahil's Web Design Accountability Thread

    I'm not sure if that's the right move. Most people recommend just learning HTML and CSS and then going all in using templates. The sales part is more important.
  6. Sahil01

    Sahil's Web Design Accountability Thread

    I found @Sean Marshall 's course and I'm currently going through it to understand what I am supposed to do. Will update later.
  7. Sahil01

    Sahil's Web Design Accountability Thread

    This last week, I've started to learn LESS (the CSS preprocessor) so that I can make it easier to build my website. I already know basic HTML and CSS. I've also decided to post helpful content for local businesses on my Facebook profile as well as multiple local and/or niche groups to build my...
  8. Sahil01

    A Couple of Points on Cold Calling

    This is some good stuff
  9. Sahil01

    How to build websites in a way that increases leads and sales for local businesses?

    I think I can make the website presentable if it's not. Then go about improving the copy or doing SEO services for the client. But I think SEO is an additional upsells I can do, not the core service as a web designer. So how do I sell the website itself like others suggest? What benefits can...
  10. Sahil01

    How to build websites in a way that increases leads and sales for local businesses?

    I've learnt that local businesses aren't looking for web "design". They couldn't care less about the design. They want results. I was wondering what changes one can make to a website to produce results for a business?
  11. Sahil01

    How do I get my first Web design client?

    I don't really have a network to speak of. This is my first real business as I said before.
  12. Sahil01

    How do I get my first Web design client?

    This is my first business so I don't have any previous contacts to rely on. Still I tried to reach out to connections I made from one of my past failed ventures and it hasn't worked out yet.
  13. Sahil01

    Do real estate agents even need their personal websites?

    I'm noticing that most real estate agents don't have a personal website. Instead they simply post a link to their profile on their Brokerage website. Is this common? Should I not be offering websites to real estate agents?
  14. Sahil01

    How do I get my first Web design client?

    I've been trying every method from cold emails to cold dms on Facebook and twitter but nothing seems to stick. I need some help figuring this out ASAP because I have no job lined up and I will be on the road in 6 months if nothing works out. @Fox @Andy Black
  15. Sahil01

    Is personalizing my cold emails this much a good idea?

    blvdfitness.com is the original website. and what could be a good cta in this context? i didn't want to be pushy so i just asked for their opinion
  16. Sahil01

    Is personalizing my cold emails this much a good idea?

    i find local business websites and send them a cold email with an improved design to stand out. is this a good method? one design takes me a day to make. i feel like this method will only be worth it if i get a response rate of 10% or more, do you guys think it will work out that way? also...
  17. Sahil01

    Hey Experienced Copywriters!! I need some feedback on my headlines.

    I can't understand what you are trying to say here. Those are just alternative titles I have selected for the book as practice. It isn't clear to me whether you are saying they are good or not. Yeah but don't people buy bedsheets that looks good when their guests see it? That may not be THE...
  18. Sahil01

    Hey Experienced Copywriters!! I need some feedback on my headlines.

    I'm a beginner in copywriting and I'm currently doing Lex's 15 day challenge. I have created 3 headlines each for 5 random products for practice and need some expert feedback. Any related advice to my writing or anything else is also welcome. Here it is : Headline : The Perfect Charger! No...
  19. Sahil01

    A newbie trying to make it since 7 years.

    All things you need some initital investment for. I don't have that unfortunately.
  20. Sahil01

    Lex DeVille's: 15 Days to Freedom - Make Money Copywriting in 15 Days or Less

    Day 2 Exercise Done!! Any Feedback is Appreciated Guys. Headline : The Perfect Charger! No Need to Twist Your Posture Anymore. b> Charger That Doesn’t Tear When You Bend It? You Got It. c> No Need To Plug In Your Laptop Every 30 Minutes Anymore. Product: Laptop Charger 2) Headline ...

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