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  1. Nevah Lucky

    Young people and the paid forum

    I know you’re busy with the new renovations but is there a reason why you’ve never built an app for the forum? Would it be difficult to complete to the same degree or as you said need to hire a data migration engineer?
  2. Nevah Lucky

    Young people and the paid forum

    Discords DAU is 29 mil and MAU is 196 mil
  3. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    Ok I’m shutting down this discord server as a monetary avenue. I’m not giving up on it. No im still pursuing and adding to it as a place to send people I meet along the way to resources that help me along my course but it’s not something I’ll try selling to them. As has been said im committing...
  4. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    Did you just finish the millionaire fastlane? Finally clear advice that cuts through mainstream bs. But now your stuck wondering where to find more? The ‘Bookshelf’ is a discord channel made to filter the gunk from the gold and present new vaults of knowledge funding your journey. Commit...
  5. Nevah Lucky

    I woke up.

    I feel that for me, my brains used to relaxation as its go to area when not at work. I’m trying to start creating value but I see what MJ meant when people said it was too hard for them. The battle is certainly a mental one. I don’t want to procrastinate my process but I do want to balance in a...
  6. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    That is a good question. Initially I was going to have people pay a one time $30 fee to join because I know if they join and I provide the quality analysis I believe I can then they are getting much more from it than just 30 bucks. Afterwards I considered what the Insiders subscription is for...
  7. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    That does make a lot of sense. I’ll put together an offer I think will convey the intention of the discord. If it can’t attract people on the forum then I’ll know there are some major defects to workout. If it does, then I’ll know it’s a good way to advertise then and I can make use of it in...
  8. Nevah Lucky

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Man am I glad I found this forum when I did. I think MJs strategy to paywall it will workout beneficially in the end. Also this forums as old as me? That’s crazy. I think I’ve got to dig deeper into the historical gold channels to learn more. I’m enjoying this community and if anything this...
  9. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    I’ve decided to take a different approach. Instead of asking people to just join the discord server because I think it will benefit them (basically), I’ll ask people about 2 things they’d like to know more about when it comes to entrepreneurship. Asking individuals one by one for now might make...
  10. Nevah Lucky

    Alex Hormozi. What is your opinion? Mine is (mostly) negative.

    Yes this was one of the first lines I read in his million dollar offers book. His dad thought he was doing something illegal. But that’s what true value creation is all about.
  11. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    My customer avatar is young adults ranged 16+ since that’s when I started learning. I’d like to say it’s all young adults and I’ll keep trying to help as many as possible but being realistic this would be for those who are on the fence or already marching forward. The problem I aim to solve is...
  12. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    Thank you both for the feedback. I can see how that initial ask comes off so instead, moving forward I'll seek to create value before anything else first. I've created the first rendition of my discord so far. I also started a booklist using notion months ago so I could record notes on different...
  13. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    I understand your point. That’s exactly why I’m asking now though. One of the things I’ve learned is the now not how mentality and if it’s a thing I want to do eventually why postpone it ya know? But yes if MJ wants to see progress for my discord first I’ll show everyone progress.
  14. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    Good evening @MJ DeMarco, After joining this blog and reading your books along with others, I’m committing to my financial journey. My first project to create value for others is a discord channel that filters and ranks financial books based off their message. My target market would start off...
  15. Nevah Lucky

    Man on a mission

    This is the first entry into the chronology of my asymmetric process. Holding myself accountable is a character flaw I have, so to overwrite my motivation spurts I will instead make a post a day about my progress. I'm not sure if this is what @ZCP meant when they said to make a progress thread...
  16. Nevah Lucky

    Discovering Fastlane: A Game-Changing Read for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

    Hey welcome to the forum, don’t feel discouraged we want you here joining the collective entrepreneurial community. What’s your native language?
  17. Nevah Lucky

    Should a college wantrepreneur focus on studying till graduation or start something crazy with their free time?

    You’re right, looking at it I’m just covering up an excuse with sophisticated yapping. I do believe in myself. I know I have many strong qualities that will aid me through my process. Thanks for sharing though @ZCP, I don’t have anyone in my life rn that I see taking similar steps so everyone on...
  18. Nevah Lucky

    Should a college wantrepreneur focus on studying till graduation or start something crazy with their free time?

    I am studying in America, and my debt if I get no new scholarships will look like 80-100k. I’m grateful to have my family help me pay for it but I do want to pay them back soon. @ZCP I do want to do that, in fact I already have a specific idea to help college students and professors that meets...
  19. Nevah Lucky

    Should a college wantrepreneur focus on studying till graduation or start something crazy with their free time?

    Hey all, After reading MJs book and discovering this forum along with other things, I reached a high on my entrepreneurial motivation but what you might already know is that doesn't last very long. What I do have now is a hunger though. I've been keeping my nose to the ground smelling...