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Search results

  1. M

    Slow Start, Moving Forward

    There are some structural obstacles that make it difficult, but I’m trying to find corners where they may not be so prevalent. For example, the infamous billable hour virtually guarantees a time-for-money trade for most attorneys doing client work. Ethics rules that require specific duties to...
  2. M

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Read this one a while back, then re-read it recently, which led me to the newer books. The principles here have been foundational for how I've framed my financial goals, even if I didn't see how I could make the vehicle work just yet. Especially after reading Unscripted and The Great Rat Race...
  3. M

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Finished this right before The Great Rat Race Escape. The overall message is powerful. I will admit to being frustrated with the initial set-up regarding mindset ("Just get to the details of how to set up the business, MJ!"), but as I got more into it, I realized they weren't just set-up. It...
  4. M

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Finished it a couple of months ago. I liked mixing the Trotman narrative with the business principles. Overall, I do wish there were a more systematic way to keep all of the teachings in mind--that's a lot of individual lessons to keep in mind all the time!--but maybe that's my job as an engaged...
  5. M

    Slow Start, Moving Forward

    Hi. New kid here. My name is Jeremy but I often go by MrLexington (or some variation) online. I'm a writer and attorney in Northern Virginia. I read Millionaire Fastlane years ago and it defined my goals since then: reach the magic number where income from interest/dividends could pay for...