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  1. RosemaryAndPines

    Start Faster. Stop "Learning".

    Also, I have taken inspiration from the question that is posed in the video of "How can I make a sale today?" and re-arranged my priorities for the workday. I created a mini tutorial for the members of my paid newsletter and teased it in my regular (unpaid) newsletter. Fingers crossed that it...
  2. RosemaryAndPines

    Start Faster. Stop "Learning".

    Gepi, I am overwhelmed by your thorough and helpful response, thank you so much! I have read your thread about your jewelry design business and the courses before and found it very interesting. I hope it is okay to go a bit more off topic from the original thread? The basic outline and most...
  3. RosemaryAndPines

    Start Faster. Stop "Learning".

    Thank you so, so much for the video! It was exactly what I needed to hear today. I want to create an online course since several months now. I know the topic is something my audience will find valuable but for some reason I have a huge mental block around the topic of creating a pricier...
  4. RosemaryAndPines

    Its been one year of FLF for me. This forum will change your life and Ill prove it.

    What an unbeliveably motivating thread! Thank you so much for sharing your journey here, @Envision!
  5. RosemaryAndPines

    Get to know yourself

    Interesting, thanks for sharing! I am currently journaling in the evening, following the "list the 3 biggest wins of your day and project the 3 wins for tomorrow" suggestion from Benjamin Hardy / Dan Sullivan. But I feel like while this is definitely helpful, it isn't quite as thorough as I...
  6. RosemaryAndPines

    What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    I just finished the Millionaire Fastlane and am now onto the Expectation Effect by David Robson. So far, so good. Lots of study citations to back up the theory - which, being a scientist, I always appreciate.
  7. RosemaryAndPines

    Get to know yourself

    Thanks for sharing your process! I have started to journal rather recently and am still figuring out the best way. How much time do you take for journaling? Do you do it at a specific time each day? I am wondering if journaling in the Morning or in the evening is more effective (or maybe Both?).
  8. RosemaryAndPines

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I just finished listening to the audiobook! Lots of eye-opening Moments for me but I also feel like I have to either listen to it again and take notes or actually read it in order to better memorize it. Now, I definitely want to read the other books as well. I am just not sure yet which one to...
  9. RosemaryAndPines

    Lifelong learning is what I love

    Well, this is a tricky question for me. Atfer leaving the corporate world, feeling burnt out and like chemistry was the wrong choice for me, I cannot imagine myself going back to the classic field of chemistry. But, I do still think that I can use my knowledge in a somewhat non-traditional...
  10. RosemaryAndPines

    Lifelong learning is what I love

    Hello everybody, my name is Annika and I am from Germany. I have a business called Rosemary & Pines Fiber Arts which I started in 2019 as more of a side project/hobby. But since last year I am commited to make it as profitable and successful as I can. Growing up, I never imagined myself...