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Search results

  1. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. I think with selling fast food or anything similar that is the best approach. Just open up and sooner or later people will notice that you are new and will want to try your stuff. At least that's how it was for me when I had my shops, I didn't even advertise, the...
  2. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. That is amazing. Do you still keep the business that made you the most or did you find something else ? All the Best.
  3. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    That is very good to hear and I am happy for you. For me it was always like that, I always found myself more ambitious than my group of friends and people I know, even now I moved to another country soon to be 2 years here, all my family and friends are back home but I know that the situation...
  4. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    You are really on a good path, far farrr away from those slurs, especially in today's time when everything is considered normal. I mean I am not some know it all or sinless guy to judge but I rather learn a thing or two from someone like you who has his priorities straight. I am sorry to hear...
  5. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. I don't know how you managed doing everything but hats off to you that takes some serious work ethic, I though I was a work head but now I realized there are levels !! I always have found the ''how-to'' content very interesting, I remember when I was younger I...
  6. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. Wow, that was very good story and experience, thanks for sharing. Very clever opportunity you caught yourself got me thinking what I have under my nose that I haven't seen. I think now flipping things is way easier then back then, now one post on Facebook...
  7. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    I think to get the first property is a bit difficult, then after the first its getting easier and easier to get the next one. One: you can rent out each and Two: you can get much bigger bank debt by owning But yeah sooner or later I am hopping on that train because the sooner you start the...
  8. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. Having real estate as a side hustle is CRAZY. Most people have it as Investment. You on the other hand, you are buying it as Candy. All jokes aside, that is really amazing and yes, even if you buy Internationally like some countries that are not in the EU still...
  9. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. Interesting. Do you only work with Google Ads or you have tried to work with Social Media platforms as well ? Because when I had my first Online shop, I got most of my traffic from Advertising on Facebook and Instagram and it was not bad I didn't even invested a...
  10. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. That is something that you can even do as self employed , especially if you learn to edit what you have recorded. And the more you learn the better the videos can be and then sky is the limit you can get all kinds of offers. All the Best.
  11. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. That is a good side hustle, and YouTube can become your main stream of income there is no limit there since you already are earning from it, it can become the main thing little by little. All the Best.
  12. Macik

    SIDE HUSTLE Side hustles that you have or have done

    Hello everyone ! This morning I was reading some posts here and going a bit on Reddit doing some research and I stumbled upon a Sub-Reddit called ''Bear Money''. So basically as I've seen, they are using some websites to do surveys or play games or watch ads and get like some money off it. And...
  13. Macik

    PEOPLE CHAT RANT Online courses from famous people aka Influencers

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. I mean that is one way to put it but it should not be that difficult or time consuming to open some forum or use Mr. Google to find some good recommendations of people who are spreading good quality information on the topic. All the Best.
  14. Macik

    PEOPLE CHAT RANT Online courses from famous people aka Influencers

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. That is very interesting point of view. I think you basically put my whole post in a short chewed up bite ready to swallow. Maybe that was a bit wired phrase but what I wanted to say is, you really put a good perspective on the whole thing. All the Best.
  15. Macik

    PEOPLE CHAT RANT Online courses from famous people aka Influencers

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. Very good point, I think I had similar experience when I was starting with my reading journey. I just read a lot of Books but then you find yourself a bit stuck because instead of doing something your are picking up another book and reading mostly the same thing you...
  16. Macik

    PEOPLE CHAT RANT Online courses from famous people aka Influencers

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. Yes they differ from one to another but I think if you follow some YouTuber who made their channel just to cover a specific method for example E-commerce, you can learn some good things just from watching his/hers channel. At the end their main goal is to sell the...
  17. Macik

    PEOPLE CHAT RANT Online courses from famous people aka Influencers

    Hi ! Thanks for the reply. Thank you for sharing your opinion and view on the topic, I am not personally interested in buying a course I just wanted to post a helpful post that it will help out everyone if they are looking for information and thoughts on the topic. But yeah, my view is...
  18. Macik

    PEOPLE CHAT RANT Online courses from famous people aka Influencers

    Hello to all the night owls (at least if you are on the same time zone as me currently 22:13 as I am writing) I wanted to open a small discussion and get your thoughts on all these courses from famous people that are in the category of ''I will make you rich''. I won't particularly name any of...
  19. Macik

    SAAS / APPS No Code SaaS, What do you all think? Next big opportunity or the Flavour of the month?

    Oh, thanks I will do more research on the threads Since you noticed my post on the Forum I want to use this chance while I have a fraction of your attention and personally thank you for writing the books, I find them very helpful and the wisdom inside is priceless. I still haven't read all of...
  20. Macik

    SAAS / APPS No Code SaaS, What do you all think? Next big opportunity or the Flavour of the month?

    Hello everyone, I hope you are having a great weekend so far. On my previous post someone mentioned a no code app to use to create a prototype of the software that I have in mind. Currently I am looking into it and trying to create the map. My questions is: Is there someone that can...