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  1. C418

    What's your Lambo? (What are you working for?)

    I want to retire my mom before she turns 65, and then be able to buy food without worrying about the price. Anything more would be extra for me. If I ever get close to giving up on business, I imagine a depressing nursing home since I used to work at one, and it is probably the most mentally...
  2. C418

    Young fastlaners: SHUT DOWN ALL SOCIAL MEDIA

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks like this. It is surprisingly difficult to find anyone who isn't glued to their phone for a majority of the day irl
  3. C418

    You're from where??

    Sweden 70% forest, home of IKEA and Spotify. Can't add a picture right now, but imagine a whole bunch of trees and you'll imagine the majority of Sweden's landscape.
  4. C418

    14 years old, any advice?

    I will take this into big consideration, thank you for the advice.
  5. C418

    14 years old, any advice?

    Thank you.
  6. C418

    14 years old, any advice?

    Hi, quick introduction to me. My hobbies consist of chess and reading books recommended to others on this forum. I'm mainly caught up in books, but also looking to make use of the knowledge from the books I read and use it in the businesses I build. I'm really just looking for some advice that...
  7. C418

    Learning to Program is STUPID! (or SMART?!)

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Any good book recommendations for learning how to market?
  8. C418

    $6M in Revenue / $1M in Profit - My Fastlane Path to Freedom

    Thank you for your response, will consider in the future!
  9. C418

    Gonna start reading rat-race escape just so I feel completely informed within the wisdom of the...

    Gonna start reading rat-race escape just so I feel completely informed within the wisdom of the basics. Then comes the other books MJ recommended that I have saved, then comes the actual doing.
  10. C418

    $6M in Revenue / $1M in Profit - My Fastlane Path to Freedom

    How did you present your product (healthy, good tasting, etc)?
  11. C418

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
  12. C418

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    read the book, very eye opening.