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  1. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    I agree! Franchises like 9 Rounds and I love kickboxing do good with Adult specific programs with huge client churn. There are a few schools that excel in Mostly adults (80-90%) but those that I have taught at are typically in major population centers, there's one that I have a business...
  2. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    This is also directed towards the problem of Succession planning, but also mentoring and development. Thanks
  3. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    That's a great help in identifying customer Avatars, thanks. And succession planning is difficult even in a Fortune 500 Company. Of course multiple locations is idea. insofar as retail business is concerned. Thanks for the input
  4. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    Some very good anecdotal information here guys, thanks for that.
  5. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    TheEngin33r (love the L33T S934k!) Franchising is part of my path for POC purposes but not the ultimate goal for my overall business. I am more on the industry level for martial arts businesses though I am Martial Artist myself. I teach Eskrima, Grappling, Silat, JKD. Thank you for your input...
  6. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    The five commandments of the Fastlane in The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco are control, entry, need, time, and scale: Control A business can only survive in the Fastlane if the owner has control over all aspects of it, such as the brand, customer acquisition, distribution channels, and...
  7. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    Yeah, that's not what I am working on, but very understandable that you'd have that perception. Duplication is an important part of business, something where I don't have to be there while my business continues to churn out revenue. There's more than the "small local gym" model you portray to...
  8. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    Interesting... I have control and effection in my current model. Just need more exposure. I suppose it depends on what you thing of insofar as Martial Arts Domain is concerned. What is it you see/perceive when I say "Martial Art Domain"? edit: The Either Or statement is a false dichotomy as well
  9. JasonBolo

    Intro: Entering the Fastlane in the Martial Arts domain

    Hello, just joined the forum and got the email to introduce myself. I recently read the Fastlane book and found it very useful. My name is Jason, I teach Martial Arts all over the US, Asia, Middle East, and Europe. Looking to convert my life's passion into a system that acts as a surrogate for...