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  1. Gypsy Soul

    [Accountability] DFY AI/Automations Business

    Hello Fiola my fellow automator. I've been implementing automation specifically RPA. Sounds like you are working some fun VA automation projects. Feel free to message me directly when you have time. I would like to connect with you.
  2. Gypsy Soul

    Learning to code an app / a lesson on taking action

    I forgot to mention that ChatGPT prompting is very important. If you notice an error right away in your code you can even have ChatGPT correct this. You just have to prompt well enough to tell it where it went wrong.
  3. Gypsy Soul

    Learning to code an app / a lesson on taking action

    Yes of course. I started out like most web developers trying to figure out the best web stack to use. I initially started with .NET MVC style web apps then moved to Django & most recently Rails web applications. Django - I use mostly for OCR, AI/ML web applications. The good thing about ChatGPT...
  4. Gypsy Soul

    Let's Chat Personal Branding

    I had to jump on thread once I saw you post. G'day Kung Fu Steve. Lol
  5. Gypsy Soul

    Learning to code an app / a lesson on taking action

    Hi MisterT, I've seen coders / makers of web apps bring in 80%+ gross profit margin. Coding is not dead as we still have problems that can be fixed using programming. I've relied on ChatGPT to help me develop my desktop and web applications. It still requires you to code review and test. I...
  6. Gypsy Soul

    Let's Chat Personal Branding

    Is brand just the customers after taste of doing business with your company? If so, then my brand is sweet and not sour. ;)
  7. Gypsy Soul

    ChatGPT AI is a huge breakthrough, a Google killer

    HOT! CHAT 
    The only problem I have with ChatGPT is that it can and will sneakily re-assign new variable names, classes and sometimes functions. Then place this modified code toward the bottom of the file. Sneaky ChatGPT! Choose your GPT wisely.
  8. Gypsy Soul

    I keep poring money into my business but a year after business registration still no revenue from it. Can I have my expenses reimbursed?

    What is your business selling service / product or both? What are you investing (money, time, marketing, research, processes, etc...) into your business? You need an accountant one who specializes in your industry would be preferred to help with this. What was the reasoning for registering in...
  9. Gypsy Soul

    5 Months passed and i did nothing.

    Hi Hope. From which country in Southeast Asia are you from? And I know you discussed about starting some new "side hustles." But what is your main hustle for income? Feel free to direct message me I've done some business/RE investing in the Phils. (Not sure if this is where you are)
  10. Gypsy Soul

    Have you ever had an Amazon package stolen from your front porch? (Generating ideas to fix this problem of porch pirating)

    This is true for many communities in US. But there arent lockers near my home and I dont feel like driving to pickup my package. Im lazy and just want home delivery.
  11. Gypsy Soul

    Young people and paid

    This is 100%. This site does not throw you into an emotional roller coaster on the daily like Twitter/X will. I think this site is what real social networks should have been. I think other sites are negatively impacting peoples confidence in a very bad way. Here you can see the struggle that...
  12. Gypsy Soul

    A Little Challenge: Selling an Old Wooden Piano for More Than "FREE"

    Because you are from Germany and play piano. This reminds me of a time when I worked for a man called Hans Zimmer. It was a pleasure to be around someone gifted and hard working in an industry that had global reach.
  13. Gypsy Soul

    Have you ever had an Amazon package stolen from your front porch? (Generating ideas to fix this problem of porch pirating)

    You guys rock! I love this forum. Let's see what I can mock up to solve this problem.
  14. Gypsy Soul


    I noticed you had trouble with helpful feedback when the form was short and to the point. I leave this photo as a reminder that even the toughest people have trouble with being overly sensitive. How you rectify that is totally up to you. Helpful tip: Control your emotions and build healthy...
  15. Gypsy Soul

    Have you ever had an Amazon package stolen from your front porch? (Generating ideas to fix this problem of porch pirating)

    Those lockable parcels are an eye sore. This is my 1st time seeing one of those things. I would hate to have one of those in my front yard. And I would rather not drive to an Amazon locker it's just a time suck to me. Thanks Dan.
  16. Gypsy Soul

    Have you ever had an Amazon package stolen from your front porch? (Generating ideas to fix this problem of porch pirating)

    Hey it's 5AM and wondering if anyone has ever had a Amazon (or other) package stolen from their front porch? Ideas in my head 1) What ways can I deter/prevent package thieves 2) Ring Cam is not enough 3) Should I create a custom locker for my Amazon packages? 4) Should I automate the retrieval...
  17. Gypsy Soul

    Are online courses about starting a business worth it?

    Nothing gets you ready like the real thing. Get out there and gain the real world experience. Just my opinion.
  18. Gypsy Soul

    I'm going to wash windows for money tomorrow for the first time in my life. Any tips?

    This is exciting. I am going to be following your thread. I am not surprised people bring you in to their home. It seems like post COVID people are wanting to re-connect with others. I hope you can grow this business organically as you are doing now. You seem like a very hard working and nice...
  19. Gypsy Soul

    26 and going for first £3000/month

    Just thinking out loud here. Have you thought about selling courses or private lessons on your experience in pro racing/piloting?