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  1. Zeus_the

    Directly Indirect, Indefinitely...

    Saw this and realized im losing my time and not using it. For my first time cold calling I can proudly say it went terrible, but at least I know that I have a place to start.
  2. Zeus_the

    Starting Over At 32 - Rebuilding My Empire

    Notice you said you started your first business when you were 17, as lick would have it I'm currently 17, so as a talk back to your 17 year old self moment whats the advice you wanna give?
  3. Zeus_the

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Just used WADM to decide which of my business ideas to pursue, the top 3 obey the CENTS framework and now I have the clarity of which road Imma pursue. Thanks MJ.
  4. Zeus_the

    Faith in God, Myself and Capitalism

    Faith in God, Myself and Capitalism
  5. Zeus_the

    Faith in God, Myself and Capitalism

    Faith in God, Myself and Capitalism
  6. Zeus_the

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Lowkey just joined the Forum to test the water of this Entrepreneurial Congress, I'm like reaching 18 years rn so The Millionaire Fastlane came in clutch before I sold my life into indentured slavery. The actions I take everyday towards learning business skills dont feel like they are doing...