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Search results

  1. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Ive been in sales 3 years cause I graduated high school a bit early did - suit sales - sales for my own digital marketing company - sales for payment processing before solar
  2. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    That is such a good idea! I will start looking at these fast growing companies because that is a really easy way to spot this. I was honestly wondering before how to do so
  3. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Hey Sam! Ive been in solar for a year and 2 weeks. Working maybe 40-50 hours a week. The main lesson I learned was the importance of an insanely great offer. Honestly, before this offer I was making significantly less but working way more hours. At my old company in credit card machines, the top...
  4. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    I really like how you break this down! I do tend to have ideas but they are usually very random. But if I keep generating, something will be doable for sure. I am curious, what is your non-freelance business about?
  5. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Thanks man! This is a remote job not d2d so I can do it anywhere
  6. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    This is a great response :) This is likely to be my path This job is remote so I can do it in the day and explore some value screws when the work is completed. I am lucky to have little to not past trauma to hold me back. I am glad you overcame this! How did you find your own value screws?
  7. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Its called Natural Selling by Michael Oliver. The whole philosophy is that you start not with expecting a sale but expecting to have a good understanding of the person and if there is a sale to be made in the first place. Then it teaches you how to figure out someone's emotional blueprint and...
  8. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Thanks man! A lot of it is having an insanely great offer. I have good enough people around me that the bar I have is insanely high for what is good sales. If I don't have a perfect understanding of their emotional profile and talk only in relation to the features they care about the most, I...
  9. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    I sell residential solar for homeowners. The most common type of solar sales job I believe
  10. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    I love that! I agree with that. Honestly I feel rusty in my sales ability so for Q3 2024 I paid 2k for a sales course I want to ingrain into my being cause the principles of being a problem finder and solver are universal but I will start solving my own problems to get into the habit. Any...
  11. N

    NOTABLE! HOT! BOOKS CHAT What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    That's great! I am curious, what made you want to pick up that book? I ask only cause in my experience, if it is solving an immediate problem in front of you it will stick incredibly well. For me, until I had a kid in my class I was arguing with all the time, none of the concepts stuck until I...
  12. N

    NOTABLE! HOT! BOOKS CHAT What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    dude! this weekend the same thought hit me. I was wondering, what if we just replaced sugar with something healthier and fed it to restaurant supply? incredibly great way to make the world better. Now I want to do research as to what this could be or if there are any other ingredients that a...
  13. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Feeling slightly starstruck you replied! I am still at this job and am making from 25-40K depending on the month but the opportunity wanes depending on incentives in Canada and I think a big one will end in the next year. I have the vast majority of the money saved up in an LLC as I did not...
  14. N

    NOTABLE! HOT! BOOKS CHAT What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    Love this man! Fall in love with the problem not the solution is so excellent. How to win friends and influence people is world changing. The principles in the book have changed my life. How far are you into it?
  15. N

    NOTABLE! HOT! BOOKS CHAT What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    Currently reading Frictionless: Why the future of everything will be fast,fluid and just for you. It has tons of case studies from successful startups that essentially added value through one big value skew of convenience to the end user. Personally, I would recommend it for those still...
  16. N

    INTRO Made $400k as a sales rep this year at 19 and want to expand to my own business

    Hello Everyone! Read the millionaire fast lane at 16 and it really opened my eyes on the incredible focus on value. Long story short, found a great offer in solar, absolutely killed it but for me, I am very driven by creating my own thing and more importantly, value that actually helps the...