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  • Users: Zulu
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  1. Zulu

    VA, MD, DC Meetup

    Hi Andviv, I'll be living in a suburb in Maryland, right near the metro. I managed one of the biggest Reggae production houses right now, used to own a bar, was pretty involved in Jamaican politics. Starting a sales and distribution company - hitting the ground running, Thursday morning.
  2. Zulu

    VA, MD, DC Meetup

    Hey Guys, I'm moving to DC on Wednesday from Kingston, Jamaica and I'm diving right into business. If there's anyone from the forum interested in meeting up [even though this thread has been silent for a while], I'd love to meet you guys. Blessings, Graham
  3. Zulu

    1 on 1 Phone Call With Jack Edwards UPDATE!!

    True. I just might do that.
  4. Zulu

    1 on 1 Phone Call With Jack Edwards UPDATE!!

    Thinking about starting one after I raise money, but then again I'm a little bit nervous to have all my info be public. Just finished my third call with Jack [technically second call, but I hung out with him in San Antonio, so I'll count that too]. It's been ridiculously helpful - basically...
  5. Zulu

    I am buying a new bugatti. And i will post pics.

    10 Bugatti's wont fix the problem. Nor will self-medicating. Please just go talk to a psychiatrist or something bro...and maybe even take a break from your current path for two weeks...just don't think about this shit for two weeks...try to get above the clouds. You have nothing to prove to...
  6. Zulu

    What book are you reading? Right now. Post up!

    My notes off all of these guys posts: Zen, Bio, Snowbank and Jack. Might as well be a book lol.
  7. Zulu

    Learning copywriting by copying sales letters by hand - why does it work?

    It takes as long as you take to understand the essential material and be able to deploy it. It's like anything: BJJ, Sanshou, Entrepreneurship - the length of time isn't as much of a factor as you think - it's your ability to understand and deploy the RIGHT concepts that is the factor. That will...
  8. Zulu

    Toilet Tank Lids

    Jack Edwards style.
  9. Zulu

    ForeverJobless Podcast

    The crave the hurdles episode got uploaded again today instead of another episode. So for ep 21 and 22 it's the Crave the Hurdles episode
  10. Zulu

    2 Days, 41 Unique Visitors, 0 Sales

    Stealing this right out the @zend***phin playbook but, a fast and affordable way to get traffic[esp if you own your product] is a joint venture where you do revenue sharing. Assuming you have a definable market with other authorities operating in the space[like blogs, forums, twitter acc...
  11. Zulu

    How to know without a doubt its time to give up the idea?

    I think @snowbank had a post a couple of years/months ago where he said the length of time someone is in business is not a primary factor for success or gauging success[paraphrasing]. But rather whether the product is noticeably better in consumers minds than your competitors and whether or not...
  12. Zulu

    Illinois LLC filing fee $612 any help appreciated.

    Not a lawyer, this is not legal advice: But I'm pretty sure you can just get a sales tax certificate from Illinois after registering elsewhere. I could be wrong..but I'm in Jamaica[US citizen], registered my company in Delaware and have a Florida Sales Tax Cert[I think this is what it's...
  13. Zulu

    (First Post) How to start a business with no experience?

    Hey Dude, Don't worry about not having any business experience. Take the time to read ALL the posts of the following members and you should be in a much better place: zend***phin, JackEdwards, SnowBank, Biophase. There are other members who would be equally as useful but I've only read from the...
  14. Zulu

    Jamaica , Reality and Resolve

    Thinking about it for a bit, that could be considered normal - Re: male female interaction. But in my mind I could only really understand it in 1 of 2 ways..: 1. The family was really religious 2. They over played how upset they were for social reasons - or to get someone to think a certain way...
  15. Zulu

    Jamaica , Reality and Resolve

    LOL, I can imagine it. Man that's really awesome, I have a couple friends that went to Holy Childhood. :)
  16. Zulu

    Jamaica , Reality and Resolve

    That's awesome! What high school did you go to in kgn for that year? That is really, really awesome.
  17. Zulu

    Jamaica , Reality and Resolve

    Everyone down here is pretty judgemental - and has set ideas about what is supposed to be and what isn't. And have no desire to experience new things - I've stopped going out really..because every night is the same night...I've lived it hundreds of times now. Same ppl standing up watching each...
  18. Zulu

    Jamaica , Reality and Resolve

    Funny enough none of this bothers me. It's the social scene that has me wanting to leave. But I'm only focused on it because I was born in the States and can leave easily. If I wasn't, I'd do what I mentioned in my post above re: JackEdwards posts and looking for a weak fence to lean on. Don't...
  19. Zulu

    Jamaica , Reality and Resolve

    There are a lot of old really people that own businesses here, if you wanted to really do business in Jamaica I'd suggest you read all of @JackEdwards posts and start looking for some weak fences to lean on. Also remember...a lot of the dudes in business here were born on third base and think...
  20. Zulu

    $63 Million Dollars GONE, because due diligence was not done.

    Even at Junk status the 63 million bonds purchased are worth less than 9 mil now? My god. That's insane.

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