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  1. James Fake

    Needs to be said... sell the DAMN motorcycle.

    HOT! RANT 
    Quite the thread & quite the comment from me 6 years ago. Ironically; in my garage 6 years later sits a 2020 Yamaha R6.
  2. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Alt Season is brewing, and my guess starts in 1-3 months. I can sense it, and it's all too familiar. Right now, January has been full of accumulations with consolidation patterns everywhere on the macro. My guess is break away runs will start in February, and historically Febs in bull markets...
  3. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    @Antifragile - good points indeed, and I'd tend to agree most product cycles do tend to follow those laws. @GPM @Devilery Eh... I hate to keep things so ambiguous & short without any relative support as it provides basically nothing except shouting into thin air. So I totally get the...
  4. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Interesting perspectives.. I myself had a 'oh shit, what if' shower epiphany moment last week in which I am shifting what I see in the mid and long term (not sure how this effects super long term).. Anyways; to keep it super short: 1. I am leaning towards this being the last bull run for...
  5. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Not sure if I ever mentioned this; but crypto is still in it's infancy (especially in being used as currency). Which means.... there is still going to be a SHITLOAD OF MONEY STILL TO BE MADE from Crypto, but not in the sense of Bull Run/Trading, but in the sense of buying up a bunch of currency...
  6. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Oh.... Wow. 898,000 views / 198 pages on this thread? I plan on reading through the first year of posts; either I'm going to a) Cringe so hard at myself it's going to keep me up at night b) Be surprised at myself Life has been a crazy rollercoaster for me in the past 3-4 years; cycled through...
  7. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Whoa.. wtf https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/23/john-mcafee-found-dead-after-spanish-court-oks-extradition-for-tax-crimes-.html
  8. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    WOW. This... I've never thought about the security side of Bitcoin versus the "store of value" "inflation hedge" "currency" as that is popular. This is actually extremely interesting and I can completely see where this comes into play especially as we see net security being one of the biggest...
  9. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    For pure shits and giggles, if someone wants to play a bounce... the time to buy into this dip will ideally be around the 25th of this month. Give or take a day or two. I have no idea why but if you look at the past 4-5 months, you will see Bitcoin does a sell off and the bottom of those...
  10. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    This is fair. Your point of flip flopping is indeed factual. However, there are some things missing from it that needs clarifying. First, we have to take a look at the type of predictions I make. My predictions (for the most part) aren't Monday morning quarterbank type things, not even close. I...
  11. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Actually.. this brings up a huge personal pain that I've never addressed here. The Covid Prediction. It haunts me. I absolutely hate it. Even though my intentions were good in yelling a warning at the top of my lungs; I almost feel guilt-ful as if I even caused it. I take ZERO pride in being...
  12. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Thanks man! Right on point. There's def some interesting observations on how people interpret other's predictions. There's typically 3 groups I noticed: 1) People who appreciate counter arguments. May not agree, but keeps in back of mind to watch out for signs of if things don't go to their...
  13. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Oh for sure. There is no doubt that there is much value & utility in crypto currencies. My only devil's advocate in this is that I've been observing countries using less and less of Bitcoin versus using other cryptos to accomplish the same thing. I honestly can't remember the last time I used...
  14. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    One more thing to add in. I am looking 3-5 years down the road which is honestly kind of why I fell out of interest with what was/is going on crypto and the crypto market right now. (aka when super shitty coins start getting shilled by everyone and I can't even play golf with my non-business...
  15. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Hmm.... Going to try to condense lots of thoughts into digestible stuff. I'm short term Bullish: Expecting a bounce due in the coming weeks as its quite oversold. I'm mid-term (next 2 - 24 months) Bearish: I'm expecting yet another lower high when the bounce tops out and then sells off and...
  16. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Haha! Right on point... I am well past my 10,000 hours of non-sensing which makes me Mastery level at it lol.
  17. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    Although it looks like I'm inactive; I browse through most of the posts. Whether right, wrong, etc. I can say with 110% the regulars (a core of 10-12) are some F*ckin' rockstars. You guys are right. 100% right, actually. Likely won't happen during this bull cycle, but it will happen either...
  18. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    "Close to The Top" (at least for this bull market cycle)
  19. James Fake

    Bitcoin / Cryptocurrency Discussion (And Predictions)

    For me; it's not if we're red. Or how long we're red. For me; It's How we're red. The sentiment feels 2017 toppy to me. It feels over-confident. It feels invincible. That matched with some price action and other technicals that I don't like and little tingles in the back of my mind start...

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