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  1. Five Star

    Cold Callers: I want your opinion!

    Couldn’t agree more. @Crexty have you taken any action since starting this thread based on the advice?
  2. Five Star

    Cold Callers: I want your opinion!

    Lol, no sugar coating here @FlipFlops
  3. Five Star

    Cold Callers: I want your opinion!

    I work in a Business Development Role. Different sector, but similar issues. I was going to suggest that perhaps cold calling isn't your best use of time. The cold calling landscape has changed dramatically over the last decade. With the internet, buyers can even be more educated that...
  4. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    It sounds like it was well worth the trip - hope you get a lot from it going forward! I done UK to Sydney on my own with a 4 yr old and 1 yr old, damn near killed me, lol! I'll certainly look you up if I'm back in Sydney. Hey @Dunkafelics if you're looking for a thread idea, this ^^^ would be...
  5. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    As long as it ends with a '7' they say :smile:
  6. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    Just extending a friendly invite to @MJ DeMarco, that’s all. People’s personal situations all differ, so I’m sure there are many over this direction who would appreciate the opportunity closer to home. After all, it might even benefit MJ. I do agree with your statement though, if you want it...
  7. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    What amazing feedback from the summit. Wasn’t there, but great to be able to follow along on this thread and feel inspired to be there in the future. Thanks for posting the photos too. Can I ask, was there anyone there who travelled from outside US? Call me crazy, but @MJ DeMarco, would you...
  8. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    What you reckon @Andy Black , flight outta Dublin next year?
  9. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    Thanks for all the pics @Robert_R Great looking turnout, how many tickets were sold out of interest?
  10. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    So curious to know who everyone is in the photos....guess you gotta be there!
  11. Five Star

    The Official 2018 Fastlane Summit Event Thread

    Looks like some serious business deals going down already, lol. Would love to be there. Enjoy, and please keep posting updates for the rest of us who couldn't make it :-)
  12. Five Star

    Cold Callers: I want your opinion!

    Hi @Crexty, what are you doing in addition to cold calling to win new business?
  13. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    :wideyed: Wow Is that to say your $20k investment is currently worth $800k + ?
  14. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    Seriously impressive projections!! Thanks for sharing your progress, it's great to get insights from someone who knows what they're doing. I've a couple of questions if you don't mind: - how did you learn your trading skills? - what are your tips from getting to that first milestone you...
  15. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    Ha ha, thanks. And thanks for starting this thread :thumbsup: Cool. Good to know. I see them as long term too...
  16. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    Finally bit the bullet and bought some ETH and LTC. I guess I'm no longer a cryptocurrency virgin :p This seems like an interesting article for 2018 predictions: 18 Blockchain Predictions for 2018 – ConsenSys Media Hope it's of interest to some of you.
  17. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    Thanks for the encouragement, and for sharing your experience. Probably overthinking things, and getting tied up in all the acronyms and new phrases, platforms etc. and trying to decide on the 'best time' to buy - having never traded before. I guess it's never good to compare yourself to...
  18. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    Feeling out of my depth right about now! :smuggy: Seems like you guys have it all figured out....it's interesting to follow
  19. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    How far do you think it'll go?
  20. Five Star

    The Cryptocurrency Investing Discussion

    Thanks. I'm in the UK, but looks like I can still use gdax.com Why are the fees lower, considering coinbase own both? Got to get my head round some of those these terms 'limit orders', and 'market orders', 'gas price', 'GWEI' etc. Maybe I DO still need to read a little more - it's a real...

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