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  1. James Thornton

    So I dropped out... Here's why

    No idea about other majors, but the art & graphic design curriculums are WAY behind the times. For traditional art, there's good lessons, but not for digital art, which is more likely to lead to a career. For graphic design, the best lessons are on YouTube, Udemy, Lynda, Digital Tutors, etc...
  2. James Thornton

    Launched my fitness infoproduct, first week sales = $7150

    Definitely not a failure. You provided extra value to previous customers at no cost, which they will not forget. You just built up reciprocity. Make something new for these people. You also said the first customers had been following you from the beginning, so it makes sense that a higher %...
  3. James Thornton

    App Game Dev Advice From Crossy Road Dev

    Thanks for posting. I'm studying how to program a game, and struggle with this question. One way to look at it is Need does not mean the opposite of Want. Need means market demand. If you look at the best selling apps, 90% are entertainment, 80% are games. Entrepreneurs set out to solve...
  4. James Thornton

    CENTS Commandments (or NECST) in Pictures

    The writing animations in these videos are very well done. Simple and effective. Also, I need a t shirt with the people holding the "We don't give a shit." banner.
  5. James Thornton

    Question On Possible Idea... Use Of School Logo's?

    Some resources CLC License info (links on left): http://www.clc.com/Licensing-Info.aspx CLC Application: http://www.clc.com/getmedia/199ccae4-23e7-4d29-b593-d28db253dea8/CLC-License-Application Fermata College: http://fermatacollege.com/wantlicense/ You need the specific license for the...
  6. James Thornton

    Question On Possible Idea... Use Of School Logo's?

    Most schools go through the CLC, some through Fermata College. It's not quite as simple as just getting the license and then going to market. They can be very controlling over what you can make and who you can sell it to. The company I used to work had their allowed products and accounts...
  7. James Thornton

    Shopify vs. my own website?

    No complaints about Shopify. Never had an issue I didn't cause. No down time or problems. Simple to manage. You can use the template editor, or dig into the html/css just like a custom site. Tons of businesses use Wordpress too, so I'm sure it's dependable.
  8. James Thornton

    Anyone Started a Business Doing Something They Hate?

    "In a world of selfishness, become unselfish." One of my favorite quotes from the book, because I struggle with it, but it's a mindset I see pretty frequently on here.
  9. James Thornton

    I have an idea... :) Need some help (Branding, etc)

    Something I heard the other day "It's a lot easier if you find someone who knows they have a problem, rather than trying to convince someone they have a problem, even if it's true." So look for complaints.
  10. James Thornton

    I have an idea... :) Need some help (Branding, etc)

    Is there really a demand for organic tampons? I've never seen organic toiletries. There are "natural" spray cleaners, which had a problem to solve (harsh chemicals). Not sure if people will pay more for organic in that category, but it would probably increase your cost. Otherwise, a good...
  11. James Thornton

    What is your life like without a college degree?

    In the graphic design world, no one gives a shit about a degree, only your portfolio and skill set. Probably different in the world of dentistry. The obvious trend is that self-educated designers are more skilled, which makes sense. It's an industry where the tools change faster than a school...
  12. James Thornton

    Dont Follow Your Passion

    This is actually a valid point IF the conveyance of passion is heavily used in the marketing. Steve Jobs and Johnny Ives are a good example. Their passion for product design and the Apple movement is what created the famous "reality distortion field." Back then, Macs generally had much weaker...
  13. James Thornton

    What do you guys think of my first app?

    Good job on website & good job making it social. Having an incentive to share is smart.
  14. James Thornton

    What laptop have you got?

    That's not a Mac vs PC thing, that's a hard disk drive vs solid state drive thing. All computers with an ssd boot that fast. The Mac trackpad is better. Both the hardware and gesture support is better. I need a pen though, so no more shiny Macs for me.
  15. James Thornton

    What laptop have you got?

    Surface Pro 3. Best thing ever for digital art. I prefer it over a laptop, but don't think everyone would.
  16. James Thornton

    I've made major errors and put my company on the brink

    Very inspiring, thanks for sharing. Everybody loves a comeback!
  17. James Thornton

    Exhibition space finder for visual artists

    Art dude here. This would be more of a need for artists (exposure), so that's who you could charge. Although it would be tough to control taking a percentage of sales that happened as a result of the display. And I'm not sure artists would pay a reoccurring fee. Nonetheless, there is a...
  18. James Thornton

    Congrats Andy Black

    Adwords posts so generous he could charge for them. Good choice
  19. James Thornton

    I've Done Absolutely Nothing for 365 Days, But Killed It After...

    I highly recommend this one: https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/insider-benefit-the-fastlane-to-do-list.61008/#post-470432 Free for insiders, but anyone can order them printed. It's not just organization. It's voodoo. Writing out all your goals and action steps day after day...
  20. James Thornton

    Ask me anything about eCommerce (Ongoing)

    Love the focus on quality to add value. That's my goal with whatever I work on: create scarce quality.

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