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Since 2007, MJ DeMarco has helped entrepreneurs win their freedom with over 38,000 game-changing posts. Join over 90,000 members and a library of over 1,000,000 posts from entrepreneurs worldwide.

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  1. W

    Meditation and Fastlaners ? Do you practice it ? Looking for insights please :)

    I have been using headspace a quick google search you should find the website, In a nut shell its a former Buddhist monk who made a fortune off this app/website. I find the main benefits are increased focus and less dwelling on petty thoughts. let me know if you have any questions
  2. W

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I Just finished the Millionaire Fastlane, was definitely what i was looking for. Now to find a Need an get on the Fastlane. The next book i plan on readying Ready Fire Aim. Thanks MJ for the big time wake up call !
  3. W

    Witchdoc From Georgia

    Hello to all, I have been lurking on this forum for a while but within the past month I realized something in my life needs to change for the better. Currently I am in the middle east serving in the military but the last few years have made me question is this all there is too life and it...