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  1. 12Nick12

    AndyTalks with Fox about Selling Websites & AdWords Services

    Thanks for taking the time out to share some knowledge. I really liked the talk, guys! If you're interested in or already are selling services to businesses, I highly recommend you give it a listen. Here are my takeaways: Show Don't Tell: It's a lot easier to explain the value you can provide...
  2. 12Nick12

    Hi guys i'm new here

    Welcome to the forum, Mehdi! I think it's great that you want to expand your business knowledge, but I don't think you need to wait to start taking action on "the real process". You can do both simultaneously. Go help somebody, or sell something for more than you bought it, or offer a service to...
  3. 12Nick12

    25 High Fives on my 25th Birthday

    Happy Early Birthday, Nifal! Having the balls to quit your job and start a business is a big win in itself! There's nothing wrong with failing as long as you're learning and applying what you learned. Keep up the optimism and high energy. I can't wait to see what 26 brings you!
  4. 12Nick12

    Have you talked to your friends about TMF?

    I've told at least 5 friends and at least 5 family members. The family members I told were typical slowlaners who live for the weekend and complain about their jobs constantly. The friends I told were all college students who regularly talk about wanting to start a business. I don't...
  5. 12Nick12

    Have you talked to your friends about TMF?

    Finding TMF was like finding a goldmine to me, so I couldn't help but tell several people. Most of them have said they would check it out and never did. I've realized that a lot of people claim to want to change their lives, but when they realize it takes actual work they're right back to...
  6. 12Nick12

    Update: Change in Attitude (And where my Gold Thread went)!

    This is awesome! You're a testament to just how far simply starting, putting in the effort to learn what is necessary, and staying consistent can get you. Thanks for some extra motivation and congrats on treating yourself and your family. I'm looking forward to the next progress update!
  7. 12Nick12

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I read it and will read it again! Thanks MJ!
  8. 12Nick12

    It's been too long...

    My Fastlane Friends!:) Let me begin by saying THANK YOU SO MUCH! Thank you, thank you, thank you for contributing to this knowledgable and supportive community that continues to provide so much value. You guys are the best! I stumbled across TFLF last fall after becoming frustrated with not...

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