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  1. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    Hey! Thanks for checking in! And yes, definitely! Rewriting my toxic thinking patterns has been a lasting change that to this day gives me a lot of control, autonomy, and confidence in my decisions. This may not be relatable to everyone, but I was raised to be a fairly obedient child and I was...
  2. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    Okay, I see. Yes, such a phobia seems like a different problem, because the fear you feel is not completely irrational. You might have an extreme response, but heights are actually dangerous so it would make sense to be afraid of them to some degree. Unfortunately, I never really had any of my...
  3. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    Haha, sure it's a mistake, but when you're doing it you don't really know any better. It's like saying "the voices are not real, you silly" to a schizophrenic. :D Many of us are never told (especially not in our teens) that we can shape our personality and question such essential definitions as...
  4. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    Sure! First of all here's a very dumbed down summary: Script analysis (a branch of transactional analysis) isn't so much about uncovering childhood traumas, it's more about questioning the very core of your belief system. Your script is basically your subconscious idea of how your life should...
  5. CountMonteCristo

    The book that's changing my life (read if your life sucks)

    I want to recommend a book to my fellow wantrepreneurs which recently pulled me out of a very deep rut and is probably the most transformative book I've ever read. Eric Berne - What do you say after you say hello? Terrible title, terrific book. I read it in Hungarian and the translated title...
  6. CountMonteCristo

    Ecom Youtube Challenge - Building a channel with 120 videos in 120 days

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I never heard of her, but there are plenty of people who have done even crazier things for views. Some people are just comfortable doing absolutely anything for fame and money. DaddyOFive used to straight up abuse his kids for views, for example. And when Logan Paul talked about his suicide...
  7. CountMonteCristo

    Growing a Youtube Channel as Part of My Personal Brand

    Andy, this is really well made!!
  8. CountMonteCristo

    100 Days Challenge

    Good luck, man! I hope you finish it, because I'm sure you'll be a completely different person.
  9. CountMonteCristo

    100 Days Challenge

    I disagree, and that's why asked the question in the first place. I'm on day 25 of 75HARD. And what I've discovered is doing something every day with no days off is actually a lot "easier" than doing it with breaks, because taking a break allows you to occasionally still give in to your...
  10. CountMonteCristo

    100 Days Challenge

    Why do you take Sundays off?
  11. CountMonteCristo

    Building a Product Photography Portfolio

    Hell yeah! Congrats! Honestly, I don't think anyone's going to care what you write under your pics, so don't waste too much time on it. Just focus on finding good gigs and writing proposals that show you're a good hire. I'll second this^ Lex's courses are awesome! I'd actually recommend...
  12. CountMonteCristo

    Read Books that Nobody Reads

    In this global world with internet in our pockets, there's no reason for your country to define your financial situation anymore, so I wouldn't worry about such things. There are rich people in poor countries and poor people in rich countries. As long as you're not completely castrated by your...
  13. CountMonteCristo

    Read Books that Nobody Reads

    Hah! That's pretty interesting. In Hungarian we commonly only use one expression for making money "pénzt keresni" which means to look for money. It is the same, though, we associate making money with it so it's not like anyone stops to think about the root of the expression. But now that you...
  14. CountMonteCristo

    Growing a Youtube Channel as Part of My Personal Brand

    I see. Interesting... would you mind sharing this channel you were inspired by? Maybe we could learn something from dissecting why their content works as just a talking head...
  15. CountMonteCristo

    Growing a Youtube Channel as Part of My Personal Brand

    Hey man, I just went through your videos and I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised! I love how you've been evolving with each video, but you were confident and charismatic right off the start! I think you have some great potential, just give it some time. Having said all that... This^^^...
  16. CountMonteCristo

    Looking for a chair for comfortably sitting long work hours. Any recommendations?

    If you're not ready to pull the trigger on a $1000+ chair yet, the IKEA Markus is a surprisingly good budget option. I've been using one daily for 5 years and it's pretty solid. Also, what really helped me to avoid back pain is regularly doing some Cross Body Mountain Climbers. Maybe 3 sets of...
  17. CountMonteCristo

    Building a Product Photography Portfolio

    Hey man, feel free to send me a pm if you don't mind sharing your scrapped work with a total stranger lol. Maybe I can help you figure out why it's not working?
  18. CountMonteCristo

    Building a Product Photography Portfolio

    Hey, congrats on your progress so far! Keep it up, you're really close! I used to work on Upwork as a video editor (also learned a ton from Lex) and I know the struggle. I agree with Andy's point, you shouldn't get caught up in your craft, you should focus on building a killer profile in the...
  19. CountMonteCristo

    Ecom Youtube Challenge - Building a channel with 120 videos in 120 days

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Yeah, I think that's pretty good. It's a very niche topic, so it's not like you have too many options. I personally would try a few solid colors (or subtle textures if you want to get fancy) for the background, even just plain black to make the logos pop. The logos are very light in color, so...
  20. CountMonteCristo

    Ecom Youtube Challenge - Building a channel with 120 videos in 120 days

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Yeah, 100%. You only have so much space to "sell" your video that putting your title in the thumbnail is a waste of opportunity. The only purpose of your thumbnail is to stand out from the thumbnails next to it. No more, no less. Then, once you have a split second of people's attention, you can...

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