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  1. Madman1996

    Confused and don't know what to do

    Ah nice little progress is progress I was contemplating suicide today but skipped today and instead did 1 hour good cali rings I guess today was not a day to die
  2. Madman1996

    Confused and don't know what to do

    Yes I did train today outside I love the Calistenic rings
  3. Madman1996

    Confused and don't know what to do

    Gonna figure that out gonna be my mother or just anybody
  4. Madman1996

    Confused and don't know what to do

    Seeing this wants me to make me cry badly this post was from 2019 I am 27 now things got worse no job not only that I have no drive to do anything in life taking antidepressants man what happend to me Here I am with my 58 IQ brain F*ck me
  5. Madman1996

    Confused and don't know what to do

    Thank you man I did a test with a psychologist they say I am creative and improved in language communication Never felt more worse in my life then now Mentally
  6. Madman1996

    Lex DeVille's 2019-22 Step-By-Step Upwork Tutorial for Brokeass Bootstrap Beginners Who Need Cash Now!

    Thank you Andy I don't really have a skill where can I learn one or choose one also gonna as you say help people just help them is also a good way to provide value
  7. Madman1996

    Lex DeVille's 2019-22 Step-By-Step Upwork Tutorial for Brokeass Bootstrap Beginners Who Need Cash Now!

    Ah yes it makes sense Thank you for being precise and using easy words do you know anybody in the entrepreneur circle who has an IQ of 58
  8. Madman1996

    Lex DeVille's 2019-22 Step-By-Step Upwork Tutorial for Brokeass Bootstrap Beginners Who Need Cash Now!

    I try to understand what you're saying but looks like I understand a bit but I wanted to start on upwork to get my feet Wet in the entrepreneurial space get some wins and confidence where can I get those skills and let's say I have them how can I use them to create value English is not my first...
  9. Madman1996

    Lex DeVille's 2019-22 Step-By-Step Upwork Tutorial for Brokeass Bootstrap Beginners Who Need Cash Now!

    Ah okee man I am sorry if I asked something stupid I am quite new with this gig and entrepreneurship in general Which skill should I learn before I can go ask money on up work and where can I learn that skill
  10. Madman1996

    The bane of your existence "Action Faking".

    If somebody engages in action faking isn't that then part of his identity
  11. Madman1996

    Lex DeVille's 2019-22 Step-By-Step Upwork Tutorial for Brokeass Bootstrap Beginners Who Need Cash Now!

    Amazing Lex can i also charge people with European money instead of Dollars Do i also need any coding skill i dont have any degree nor skill the reason iam asking this is iam gonna buy a laptop i dont have a computer and if I need to learn maybe coding or copywriting I need a different type of...
  12. Madman1996

    Okay time to stop being a lil bitch (Progress thread)

    Hey man Thankyou for posting this if i want to change my Identity should i write it on a paper or say it outloud every day kinda confused about this
  13. Madman1996

    heavy_industry Q3 health improvement

    This Identity things is so important and so overlooked in daily life when trying to accomplish something Thankyou for posting this
  14. Madman1996

    Don’t lurk, do this instead

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Thankyou Andy, you're always full of knowledge and wisdom and the thing is you always chose things which are so little and easy but impactful
  15. Madman1996


    hey man i know Jorn Luka iam dutch to yes indeed the great reset want us to become slaves klaus schaub admits it him self in his books but people are blind and deaf when they hear this then they thats a conspiracy mate yes it is but a factual conspiracy i rather die then being a transhuman
  16. Madman1996

    Motivate me..! I just can't do the work..!

    How do you mean
  17. Madman1996

    Motivate me..! I just can't do the work..!

    I would say your lacking meaning and purpose there alot of people who think they know their meaning and purpose but in reality they don't know read the post of @eliquid about feeling depressed and needing a engliment and buy the course of Jordan Peterson self journaling this will help you about...
  18. Madman1996

    Narrowing your focus on a 'zero sum game'?

    Hii MJ true that you can abuse your body to build muscle but you can't abuse your brain you got one of it and there is no second chance of getting a new brain God-given body's where not made to take such a great impact to the head I go to my boxing gym only to enjoy the technique and the heavy...
  19. Madman1996

    Any BJJ folks on here?

    i did muay thai for 6 months it is really fun man but i found boxing to be more fun its something that i liked since when i was a 12 year old kid i avoid sparring tough just technique no need to take hits to the head because my plan is not to be a pro fighter just to be able to protect my self...
  20. Madman1996

    Searching for a strong emotional meaning and purpose don't have one yet

    Hey everyman thanks for stopping sorry man is it okay with you if I can respond tomorrow to your questions iam just done with boxing gonna go to sleep just in Abit cheers man

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