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  • Users: Wim
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  1. Wim

    Hi Lex Just read your remarks on the most recent copywriting thread as to why Udemy writes as...

    Hi Lex Just read your remarks on the most recent copywriting thread as to why Udemy writes as it does etc. Just wanted to thank you for the insight and your YT videos.
  2. Wim

    Nomad Capitalist Offer

    Thanks for a clear and honest evaluation, @Mutant. I'm pretty new to this stuff too. Actually checked out his site (bc his book's part of his funnel, naturally) and was shot down for not living in the right country. Actually couldn't even book a "consulting call" with one of his people. I'm...
  3. Wim

    Record your phone calls. I need to recommend this app.

    Hey @Kruiser, thanks for the addition. I was imagining a faster rate of dealing with the customer, as in a few months tops for web development. Next to the development itself, the retainer would be put in a different contract etc. But I might be a bit too naive sometimes. The only time when I...
  4. Wim

    Record your phone calls. I need to recommend this app.

    I though in Belgium, so I imagine Europe, only one side has to agree to the recording. The lawyer remark was why I used to only want to deal through mail. But it can at least make a nice addition, to show how much effort you put into both mailing and calling them while they're ignoring your...
  5. Wim

    Nomad Capitalist Offer

    Who? But in short, not really worth the read, then? While money's cheap, time's not.
  6. Wim

    My story - 23 years old from Belgium

    Other Belgians? Yeah! It's so nice to see people younger than me get it and run with it. Took me till I was 35 (basically now) to finally just go for it. Down side is I can only see it work with all the paperwork in place. While Belgium is very expensive in taxes, combo of taxes and penalties...
  7. Wim

    How ditching self help has improved my life.

    I see a nice boiling together of some of OP's points here. While Tony Robbins may have tremendously helped her, it were her ideas and skills applied that made this all possible for her. She took the wisdom in it and is running with it, avoiding the up-sell pitfall built into these seminars...
  8. Wim

    Fastlane Summit: Signed TMF/Unscripted Books

    Hell, I might as well as. Feels like it's a local thing, but driving there from Belgium would mean I'd be too late. Would love a signed copy of both TMF and Unscripted to meet the audiobook version, if you'd be so kind. Very un-Fastlane as it's labor intensive to ship 'em over. Value notes...
  9. Wim

    Wish you had apps w/10 MILLION+ downloads?

    What do you think? Of course I want in!
  10. Wim

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Read it. Reread it. Probably will again. F*ck doing what you love for money. It probably isn't valuable to others and it will cost you your love.

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