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  1. lludwig

    ____ Is The Root of All Evil...

    I'll poke my head out and and just leave this. https://capitalismmagazine.com/2002/08/franciscos-money-speech/
  2. lludwig

    Intro, AMA, and a Recent Sale for $6M of InvestorJunkie.com

    More context can be found on this twitter thread about the other websites sold. View: https://twitter.com/ViperChill/status/1673314654897176577
  3. lludwig

    Intro, AMA, and a Recent Sale for $6M of InvestorJunkie.com

    Build an audience and serve that audience.
  4. lludwig

    Intro, AMA, and a Recent Sale for $6M of InvestorJunkie.com

    Sorry just seeing this now @MJ DeMarco Yes, they did. I tried to pull a MJ Demarco and buy it back but they found someone who wanted to buy my previous site and 2 others they were unloading. Total sale $1.3M. Oddly enough my two other friends were able to buy their sites back from XL...
  5. lludwig

    Intro, AMA, and a Recent Sale for $6M of InvestorJunkie.com

    Right now, my consulting business is reinvesting the money back into the business. At some point, I will take an income in that business, but right now, I am not, on purpose. So I would say growth and impact on others. I'm not sure what's the question here? Am I building other solutions from...
  6. lludwig

    Intro, AMA, and a Recent Sale for $6M of InvestorJunkie.com

    Hi What about it? I'm not sure the question you are asking?
  7. lludwig

    Documentary about how people are getting scammed by their 401(k) retirement plans

    See my comments about that documentary when it first came out. https://investorjunkie.com/retirement/retirement-accounts-flawed/
  8. lludwig

    Your Best and Worse Defenses for Inflation...

    I agree with @MJ DeMarco recommendations, but we are still F*cked. With a 9.1% CPI for July, these options will just make things suck a little less. In real terms, none of this will keep up with a 9.1% CPI, especially with the current valuations.
  9. lludwig

    Is MJ DeMarco making money with this forum?

    Forums are community builders... not revenue makers. At least not directly.
  10. lludwig

    Financial analysis: Do I buy this Tesla Powerwall system?

    My comments. Not sure about Tesla's setup and if the power were to fail. Though my inlaws have solar panels and still needed a gas-based generator for backup. Most solar panels cannot work with a power outage. Over time solar panels lose their efficiency. About 20 years the lifespan. So at...
  11. lludwig

    The Ukraine War, implications, outcome?

    HOT! CHAT 
    All I have to say regarding the USA is how stupid we are. View: https://twitter.com/nickgillespie/status/1496989107943358467?s=20&t=jkM4FnLxnbrlmYF0ZPmUsg John Kerry couldn't be dumber. We should have been focusing on more fracking, drilling and become energy independent and maybe an...
  12. lludwig

    I have $X thousands to invest, what do I do? What book do I read?

    Money magazine would always have headlines "How to invest $1,000 now" and every increment from $100 - $10,000. It is also very popular SEO keywords. The reason is that's what most people can imagine having and have the ability to invest without much effort to do so. Mark Cuban once said the...
  13. lludwig

    Social Media Destroys Entrepreneurs. Grow Your Business Without It.

    HOT! RANT 
    I agree with the sentiment and wrote about this years ago. https://larryludwig.com/you-dont-own-social-media/ I think social media should be used but only as a channel to get to something you do have control over (ie a blog)
  14. lludwig

    Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.

  15. lludwig

    My 2022 Prediction: Price Controls

    left without any comment. See #12 https://www.washingtonpost.com/us-policy/2022/01/26/inflation-white-house-experts/
  16. lludwig

    Any online SEO Course recommended?

    Without recommending my own, I recommend SEO Blueprint 2. https://seoblueprint.com/ It is created by ViperChill.
  17. lludwig

    My 2022 Prediction: Price Controls

    Love this FAQ in the NYT article. Of course no mention of money printing or fiscal policies in the past year.
  18. lludwig

    My 2022 Prediction: Price Controls

    More commentary on price controls. This time in the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/13/business/economy/inflation-price-controls.html?referringSource=articleShare
  19. lludwig

    Hyperinflation starting? What's happening in your area? Post your ground reports.

    Because it was in line with expectations and already priced in. If we got 7.5% that would have been a whole other issue. Not that I believe the number 7.0% either.
  20. lludwig

    What are your rules of personal finance?

    Try to keep liquidity at least 30 days away, best case, 1 day. What do you mean by this @MJ DeMarco ?

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