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  1. O

    Question about PayPal, Transferring Money and USA Bank Accounts...

    i am making 10,000 every day. do u have a solution now?
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    How to Create a $2k+/mo Passive Income Website in 30 Days (or Less)

    What you've documented in your insiders thread - is it different than what you've posted here?
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    No problem, i understand. Are there any other placements on this forum where i can advertise...

    No problem, i understand. Are there any other placements on this forum where i can advertise this link?
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    How to Create a $2k+/mo Passive Income Website in 30 Days (or Less)

    I dont know why no one is asking the most obvious questions, so here i go: 1. What are the niches you're building these sites for? 2. What type of products are you selling? Physical? Dropshipping? Info products? Ebooks? Video course? 3. How are you able to create your products in less than...
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    Question about PayPal, Transferring Money and USA Bank Accounts...

    Hey guys, This might go a bit long so please bear with me I live in Bahrain and I run a few ecommerce stores where my customers pay via Paypal.. so the money gets collected in my Paypal account. The problem is I am not able to transfer large amounts of money from Paypal directly to my...
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    Is this a good time to travel to Europe for vacations?

    Hey guys, Me and my wife are planning to travel to Europe for a 12 day vacation this December (we're based in Middle East). The places we want to visit are: Prague, Inssbruck, Munich, Interlaken and Zurich. But after reading some posts on this forum about situation going from bad to worse in...
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    I got a new web design client... what next?

    So im a website designer and developer and i've been doing it for a while for the company i used to work for....but now i have my own client for whom i'll be developing a website. We are still in the very initial stages of discussions but he'll sign up for sure. The thing is, while i have a...
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    Does everyone struggle to learn code?

    I know how you feel about the struggle. I have gone through a dozen different Javascript on Udemy and elsewhere, the basics are always fine... but as concepts get more complex, it starts giving me brain-fog! Up until i came across "Practical Javascript" course by Gordon! It's easily the BEST...
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    Intro + Progress + Some Thoughts

    Hey guys, Just wanted to post a follow up here: My goal was to make at least $1600 from online businesses this month in November... but i have fallen short of my goal and made just $186. Technically this month is still not over but I dont expect to generate $1000+ in the next 5 days... so...
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    Intro + Progress + Some Thoughts

    True that. And yes, my wife is definitely a big reason behind my success last month. She made me accountable for my spendings and pushed me forward. If it wasn't for her, i wouldn't have come out of my shell where i was living a comfy lazy life.
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    Intro + Progress + Some Thoughts

    Thanks for the advice. I appreciate that. Consistency is definitely the key... on that note i must share something here: I keep asking my wife what if I continue to make good earnings from my online business for another 3 months? Would that be enough to justify that i left my job life and would...
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    Intro + Progress + Some Thoughts

    Hey guys, Some quick intro about yours truly: My name is Osman, I live in Bahrain and I read MJ's book few years back but never put it to action. I've been "Studying" online marketing since last few years but never made any substantial earning. Jumped from one job to another... "Hoping" that...
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    How do I stop worrying & overthinking & stressing out (20yo)

    Hi peakdesire, About your problems like "constantly worrying about the future, overthinking, and stressing".. This seems to be a mindset kinda thing. I encourage you to go visit mortylefkoe.com I used to be like you.... worrying all the time, overthinking and stressing myself out, turning...
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    Fired Years Ago, Now Netting $22k/mo

    I got fired one hour ago! I used to work as a social media analyst in this company for the last 2.5 years. I've been wanting to resign since a long time but didn't have something else to fall back on... Well, mixed feelings right now. Its exciting when i think about the possibilities, its...

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