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  1. ChrisGav

    Made my first 100k per month at 23 years old, now what?

    Ha! that's awesome. I'm doing well, but not as well as he is! Or as well as he appears to be doing..
  2. ChrisGav

    What advice should be ignored?

    Reading Tribe of mentors by Tim Ferris currently. For those that don't know, it's a book where he asks a bunch of people across several industries various questions. One of the questions he asks (I'm paraphrasing) what advice would you give someone starting out and what advice should they...
  3. ChrisGav

    What would you do in my position?

    Thank you for this. I'm 26 and have a fairly high risk tolerance, however, my risk tolerance has gone down now that I actually have something to lose. The 26 year old side of me is struggling with paying them off due to the minimal ROI in comparison. I made a mistake listening to a dave ramsey...
  4. ChrisGav

    My whole journey on how I made my first million by 23

    I just shut it down. Didn't sell it or anything. Wasn't really anything for me to sell, it was just me and my pressure washer. I didn't have any employees or systems. I pull a list using county records or a software like propstream than skiptrace to find the contact info for the owner. I use...
  5. ChrisGav

    What would you do in my position?

    Hey guys. I'm currently sitting on a decent sized rental portfolio. I'm contemplating paying off the institutional debt I have on my portfolio instead of acquiring new properties. I have roughly $1,000,000 in bank debt currently. I could have this debt paid off, or very close to paid off in the...
  6. ChrisGav

    Sent you an email

    Sent you an email
  7. ChrisGav

    I emailed you

    I emailed you
  8. ChrisGav

    My whole journey on how I made my first million by 23

    Thanks for the kind words. Yes the numbers are usually personal numbers. Technically you can't call people who are on the Do not call list. However, I've never had an issue with it. Most people won't be upset with you because you aren't really calling to sell them something. You're calling to...
  9. ChrisGav

    Tell me about your biggest failures

    Curious to hear your failures/losses in building your business. This month has been one of the most hellacious months I've experienced in quite a while, business wise. Pipes bursting everywhere in my rentals after the cold front that's currently hitting the southeast, deals falling apart...
  10. ChrisGav

    My whole journey on how I made my first million by 23

    I wouldn't say I did it without feeling intimidated. I think it was just a result of putting myself out there and walking through the doors that opened along the way. Felt like a fraud and an idiot the entire time. One of my best lenders was the guy that did the apartment complex with me. I was...
  11. ChrisGav

    How I'm getting 2.22% debt currently

    All fair points for sure. It's a bit of a brain twister the more you think about it. I think the general idea of it is that it's a good way to raise money for deals that you have in your pipeline or refinancing out your assets you currently own that you don't plan on selling. If it was attached...
  12. ChrisGav

    Thanks for the kind words!

    Thanks for the kind words!
  13. ChrisGav

    How I'm getting 2.22% debt currently

    Yes you're looking at it right. The only thing about paying $35,000 I think is slightly off. If I sell the house in a year that the mortgage is attached to then yes I have to pay that $35,000 out of pocket and the whole deal was for nothing because I owe 150k and only walked out of there with...
  14. ChrisGav

    How I'm getting 2.22% debt currently

    1. Yes the seller pays their own realtor costs 2. There’s no risk in that all. I’m getting deed to property and going through a closing attorney. They do title search and make sites there’s no other liens before I buy it. 3. I’m *sometimes* putting a 1st position with hard money on the...
  15. ChrisGav

    Do you work weekends?

    Cater to the level of success you're seeking. Want to be a billionaire? You probably need to work weekends. If you want to be highly successful but not #1, it's probably not necessary if you're executing during the week.
  16. ChrisGav

    My Experience Eating Keto/Carnivore

    What you're calling a fad diet, could be the way we are meant to eat. I'm on a personal journey to discover what I should be eating to live optimally with energy, vitality, and health. Would it surprise you to learn majority of the vegetables you eat are actually man-made and not natural...
  17. ChrisGav

    My Experience Eating Keto/Carnivore

    I will say, I'm not as informed on it as I should be, but here is what I know/heard: The premise behind it is, that's how we were designed to eat. Plants are deemed to have what's called plant toxins that prohibit the absorption of nutrients in humans. The idea is that animals have a means to...
  18. ChrisGav

    My Experience Eating Keto/Carnivore

    I'm about 2-3 weeks into Carnivore. Curious to hear how it's been for those that have done it before/currently on it? Has it benefited you? Why or Why not. Really craving some Mac and cheese right now......
  19. ChrisGav

    My co-founders suck and I don't know what to do

    Have you guys discussed roles and who will be doing what in this business or was just like I have a cool business idea we should all work together?

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