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  1. Sean Marshall

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    You know what I love? Seeing a copy of The Millionaire Fastlane on the shelf in the background of different YouTubers... It's not even my book but it warms my heart to see! :) Can't believe it's been over 14 years since a buddy first told me about it...
  2. Sean Marshall

    The big question: What exactly is going to change?

    For me, 2025 is: Stop Consuming - eliminate info & entertainment binges (with a notable exception of this forum on topics I search...) Start Creating & Connecting - MUCH more producing stuff & building relationships, daily if possible
  3. Sean Marshall

    Social Media Destroys Entrepreneurs. Grow Your Business Without It.

    HOT! RANT 
    So what happened?! I gotta know! Also, with that size of a list, she could run a good offer via SMS/Email...
  4. Sean Marshall

    ChatGPT + SwaS + 1 Client + 8 Hours of Work = $5K in 7 days (Here’s How…)

    Yes, you can literally tell them step by step how you're going to do it. If they want to do it themselves, have the experience, and the tools to do it, then cool. They're not your ideal client anyway. Move on. But most likely, they're even talking to you because they saw your offer, have no...
  5. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    The same thing. I'd just have to swap out the tools with other tools. They're all out there. If anything, I'd get even more focused with even less services (that's a challenge with GHL is they have so much you can offer). What do loan officers need/want the most? How can you solve that and at a...
  6. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    1. For a free course? Yeah, it's still worth going through - there's good stuff in there (still...) :) 2. SaaS - sooooooo much easier. If you're looking at loan officers, they're savvy enough to do it themselves if they had the tools and training. If you were focusing on a niche like roofing...
  7. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    Great! Get the first sale and then scale from there! Side note - it will be fun to see how SEO in particular will change as AI (especially Google) rolls out. Something to keep in mind as you're selling.
  8. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    Just a PSA, you might fail again. But you keep on trucken. If you feel like you're overthinking it all, just take action instead. If you have experience with loan officers, then go for it. Do they 1 - see the need and 2 - have the budget? If so, then start now, go fast and hard until you...
  9. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    There is still plenty of opportunity in the education niche. You just have to have the right offer/services/pricing. If you want to go outside what you're familiar with, a day or two on Google/YouTube/Reddit will give you a solid foundation. Then, actually speak with some real business...
  10. Sean Marshall

    From podcasting to newsletters... the new HOT thing?

    Years ago I was on this guy's list and I paid $50/mo for a printed newsletter that came in the mail each month along with a CD (yes, a CD) of a recorded interview (basically a podcast but on a CD). It was a cute little package and I actually really liked the physical aspect of it. Is there room...
  11. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    It depends on the provider I suppose. But my current model uses GoHighLevel and HL Pro Tools to provide both the white labeled SaaS and the white labeled support for that SaaS. I don't see this changing anytime soon. It allows me to focus 100% on growth (sales).
  12. Sean Marshall

    Hey! I suck at checking my messages unless they come to my email! Congrats on getting set up...

    Hey! I suck at checking my messages unless they come to my email! Congrats on getting set up. Yes, if you have a great offer, running ads will work (even without case studies). Happy to answer any questions!
  13. Sean Marshall

    CHECKLIST: How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency & Hit $5K in Less than 90 Days

    Sure. If you can accurately track your sales as credited to only you. And you and the client and everyone else involved all know it without a shadow of a doubt.
  14. Sean Marshall

    ChatGPT + SwaS + 1 Client + 8 Hours of Work = $5K in 7 days (Here’s How…)

    Every business has some form of a database. Long story short, if they've ever collected name, email, and phone number, then that's enough. The challenge is their access/knowledge of it. Some are on the ball, others you have to show them how Quickbooks or Stripe whatever has that info that they...
  15. Sean Marshall

    ChatGPT + SwaS + 1 Client + 8 Hours of Work = $5K in 7 days (Here’s How…)

    A lot of companies (especially SaaS) offer free trials all time so no worries there. You just have to make sure there's adoption and that they see results as soon as possible. You'll want to hold their hand to help them do so. Once you get some initial results, be sure to document them into...

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