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  1. EternalStudent

    How is most advice successful entrepreneurs (online) give so a$$?

    It's entertainment content plain and simple
  2. EternalStudent


    Welcome. You will have a better time if you can post in english.
  3. EternalStudent

    Was it luck?????

    Did he choose that school because it was one of the few with a computer? If so, I wouldn't call it luck. Likewise, my current employer has been very good for me as there have been lots of opportunities to grow.. but I chose to work there for that reason. From the outside it probably does look...
  4. EternalStudent

    Career progression now identified as the Slowlane, whodathunkit?!

    Slowlane is wealth in a wheelchair. With a 200k job you could create serious wealth through speculating, investing, etc. Not to mention you can go your own way and start a consulting firm for something like SOC2 auditing or SOC2 readiness. Career maxing is severely underestimated , if you have...
  5. EternalStudent

    Career progression now identified as the Slowlane, whodathunkit?!

    There is a lot of growth potential in cyber, I wouldn't write it off as a dead end just yet. $61k is ground floor. Where do you want to be in 10 years? You could have a head of GRC role, CITO, CISO. Would you still consider career progression slowlane if you thought you could be on 200k within...
  6. EternalStudent

    How do you become a creative, out-of-the-box thinker?

    Not a full answer but an easy place to start: do you have a job? If so, what do the customers complain about? What could the company do differently to make the customers happier? What don't you like about the job? What could the company do better to get the best from their employees? Dont know...
  7. EternalStudent

    Existential Thoughts: Change My Mind

    There are people whose full time job it is to think about these things. All we would do in a thread like that would be quote the experts :D After thinking more about Lex's problem, one solution might be to "choose" an axiom he agrees with somewhat that starts at the end, i.e what would be...
  8. EternalStudent

    Existential Thoughts: Change My Mind

    How vain you are to think you know better than all the generations of ancestors that persevered through a life much harder than your's for you to exist. Just read Plato or any other classic from 2000 years ago and you will know that we are no smarter today than they were back then. IQ is...
  9. EternalStudent

    What are the things that annoy you most?

    Inflation, tax, government, war, parasitism, scientism.. etc
  10. EternalStudent

    I am breaking the rule that we all follow to

    Believe it or not it does take brains to come up with such a bleak worldview .I know you know that already. I used to think the only people dumber than me were the ones having fun, cos they didn't see how pointless and miserable everything is. By socializing, I mean leaving the house and doing...
  11. EternalStudent

    I am breaking the rule that we all follow to

    Sounds like the self talk I had as a teenager. Are you the oldest son too? Most of my issues resolved when I got a girlfriend. You need to socialise more to clean up your perspective - you arent as smart as you think you are.
  12. EternalStudent

    Essential lessons for young children...

    HOT! IDEA 
    - Good manners make adults like you and want to help you - Never say "I can't" - just say you need help - You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar - Boys can become daddies and girls can become mummies (no switching) - Using things for a different purpose than intended in order to...
  13. EternalStudent

    How to Scale Mobile Application

    Give existing users an incentive to get their friends using it
  14. EternalStudent

    EternalStudent's progress thread - to Ecommerce and beyond

    3 months on... how quickly that went by! I decided not to progress with bubble due to the difficulty in handling API errors. I'm now looking at flutter which should have been the obvious choice from the beginning. Unfortunately the last 3 months have been terrible with the kids and work -...
  15. EternalStudent

    A life changing book

    I think you mean James Allen. Great book, one of the original self help books. My favourite quote from it is “the will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do”. But there are so many more amazing quotes in that book. What stuck with you the most? ps the book is in the public domain so...
  16. EternalStudent

    Whats one thing you think or believe that most people on this forum would disagree with?

    Aborting a child because they have Down’s syndrome is discrimination far worse than racism or sexism
  17. EternalStudent

    Top 3 self-development books

    The idea is that your thoughts influence your actions and hence your end destination. Therefore, by visualising in great detail the things you will attain in the future, your mind will consciously or unconsciously consider it in every decision you make.
  18. EternalStudent

    Top 3 self-development books

    The courage to be disliked Shoe dog When I say no I feel guilty
  19. EternalStudent

    I have just found a list of 22 fastlane-tips on my hard drive - Add your one-liners of FL wisdom

    The only impossible journey is the one that never begins a hero is a mindset We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing Judge a tree by the fruit that...
  20. EternalStudent

    I've Read The Great Rat-Race Escape!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    Just finished the audiobook today… good call in using the 2 narrators, it was great to hear your voice again MJ! the story/lesson format was a refreshing alternative to the stale student/mentor parables that often feature contrived plots or conversations to get a concept across. I can see this...

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