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  1. Charly

    What has been GOOD about quarantine/corona for you?

    Nice, thanks! :)
  2. Charly

    The Worldwide C0VlD-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Discussion Thread...

    Oh, wow. This sounds very intense..
  3. Charly

    Is Anyone Else Intermittent Fasting?

    I'm doing IF with the assistance of an app called yazio. Maybe you heard of it? Free Calorie Counter App for your Android - YAZIO It has a fasting feature with which I can track my eating habits. I learned that when I first started IF (16/8) I ate too little which caused the opposite of what I...
  4. Charly

    What has been GOOD about quarantine/corona for you?

    I learned that I don't need as much "things" as I thought. I had too much stuff lying around which I haven't even touched during the last couple of weeks. So I sorted out a lot of it and I just feel lighter. It's a great feeling to get rid of some of your possessions.
  5. Charly

    Toxic friend

    I try to see if spending time with people gives me energy or if it drains it. If you feel tired or stressed after spending time with your friend, it's not a good sign.
  6. Charly

    Don't Fear the ZEROs!

    That's great to hear! I haven't been a member back then, but it's good to read your story with a positive outcome! :thumbsup:
  7. Charly

    [happiness] Read the TMF at 23 now 29 and self employed app developer.

    Great story! Congrats on quitting. It's a big step and takes courage. Good luck further on! :)
  8. Charly

    You're from where??

    Hello! I'm from Chicago, Illinois

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