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  1. FirstLawMotion

    20 year old at the crossroad of life...

    I'm not the person who should be giving this advice since I am also in the ideapreneur phase and not taking action, but someone on the forum recently said: "Entrepreneurship is about problem-solving, creating convenience, satisfying desires, and becoming valuable." There are a lot of ways to...
  2. FirstLawMotion

    Street food

    It depends on your city and its regulations so I would recommend getting that sorted as soon as you can. In my city, for example, I believe permission needs to be granted and certain street foods are not allowed.
  3. FirstLawMotion

    I dreamt of having 246.000.000 € in my bank account.

    I'd imagine becoming wealthy by earning it yourself with your blood, sweat and tears feels a whole lot better than being handed the money. You'll always have that voice at the back of your mind asking you if you could have done it yourself; if you could have built something from nothing. Naval...
  4. FirstLawMotion

    Thankful to arrive to the fastlane by chance

    That's awesome! What are your next steps? What do you plan to do to become a Fastlaner and create a Productcracy? What do you have in the works right now?
  5. FirstLawMotion

    To Travel Or Not To Travel

    I'd say definitely travel! It will broaden your horizons and perhaps play a big role in your future business(es). Check out the book called "Shoe Dog" by the creator of Nike. Your post reminded me of that book because the creator of Nike went travelling before he even thought about...
  6. FirstLawMotion

    An Idea In Retrospect: Pandemic Supplies

    Imagine someone had created a dropshipping website called "pandemic supplies" at the start or even at the halfway point of the pandemic. The website would sell items such as hand sanitizer, toilet paper, different kinds of masks (n95, regular, etc), and plexiglass barriers for businesses. Now...
  7. FirstLawMotion

    Best Industries To Start A Business In The Next 10 Years?

    I know these kinds of questions are generally frowned upon, but I'm curious what you think is the best industry to start a business in the next 10 years? Of course, the answer to this question is highly individual; depends on a person's skills, interests, etc. But on a more general level...
  8. FirstLawMotion

    Toronto Meet-Up?

    Hey fellow members of the forum. I'm wondering if there are fellow members who live in Toronto or near Toronto. I'm wondering if anyone would be interested in coming to a meet-up in Toronto so that we can get together and get to know each other and discuss ideas in person. If something like this...
  9. FirstLawMotion

    For those who have "made it", If you had to restart today, with no money and no skills, what would you do and how would you do it?

    What's my job: - I work in technical support. What skills and experiences do I have that I help people with regularly: - More than anything, people often ask for my help when it comes to writing. Either editing/proofreading or helping with creative ideas in subjects such as philosophy. If...
  10. FirstLawMotion

    Struggling With Time-Management

    That's well-said thanks.
  11. FirstLawMotion

    Struggling With Time-Management

    I like Ayn Rand, I recently read The Fountainhead and it's now one of my favourite books. Can you explain what you mean by "judgement values" and "moral actions", and the relationship between the two?
  12. FirstLawMotion

    Struggling With Time-Management

    I didn't think about it that way, but the more I look at your response the more I think you're right. I notice my energy levels are always extremely high for the first few hours after I wake up. Since I start work at 8 am, perhaps my best bet would be to wake up at 5 am and get a few hours...
  13. FirstLawMotion

    Struggling With Time-Management

    I'll start my answer vague and then get more specific. In general, I want to be financially free and independent. I want to be able to travel where I want and do what I want. I want to be competent, respected and influential. I want to be at peace, with a deep purpose in my life. I want my...
  14. FirstLawMotion

    Struggling With Time-Management

    I find myself in a pickle, and I'd like some advice on how I can get myself out of it. I find it difficult to find the time and energy to create a business. I live by myself, I work a full-time job throughout the week to support myself. After work, I go to the gym and then I cook for myself...
  15. FirstLawMotion

    For those who have "made it", If you had to restart today, with no money and no skills, what would you do and how would you do it?

    For those who have "made it", If you had to restart today, with no money and no skills, what would you do and how would you do it? Some other circumstances to keep in mind: - You are young so you have plenty of time. - You live alone and are in charge of paying for your rent and living...
  16. FirstLawMotion

    How I made $4,000 in 3 months By Executing HARD

    Amazing! Shows what can happen when you focus on providing value.
  17. FirstLawMotion

    Its been one year of FLF for me. This forum will change your life and Ill prove it.

    I'm not OP, but I just wanted to say that of course you're not too old! Best of luck in your journey!
  18. FirstLawMotion

    Its been one year of FLF for me. This forum will change your life and Ill prove it.

    Great advice to be found in this thread! I know it's 5 years old now but this is my first time reading it.

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