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  1. P

    HOT! CHAT The Ukraine War, implications, outcome?

    Same situation here. I am in Poland and Switzerland seems appealing - some of my family lives there.
  2. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    I send proposals and deliver to my present client. I have 8 other ways to get clients left. I can test which ones are the most efficient and max them out. I'll think about who more can I help. Thank you. I do almost all those things, but scheduling reading instead of doing it randomly sounds...
  3. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    It's 7 proposals not sites, my mistake. Those sites are useme, fiverr, freelancer and fixly. Fixly is olx, am I right? What do you mean by more or less? How many clients per month do you manage to get? I was actually thinking about the morning walks, that's funny actually. That sounds like a...
  4. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Today was a lucky day. And I don't mean like hollow luck, I did things so other things happened, it's more this way. My past client wants me to do some more things to his website and he wants to pay me. That's awesome. Also from one of the postings a guys wants my help. I've never done what he...
  5. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Hey, yes it is difficult but I believe that's possible as well. Thank you. That being said... Most of the time I didn't post I was totally not doing a thing. Like 15 days before the end of the contract I started to delivering to my client and that's it. The contract has ended, time has passed...
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    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Thanks @woken :rofl: I am going to write it down for sure :rofl: But yes, you are right, there is no other logical option right now
  7. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #28 My days lack structure, I'm changing that right now. I gave myself a strict schedule, but it turns out it is too strict for now. I'm changing it right after writing this. I binged today, so let's call it a rest day. Things I did today: sent a contract and an invoice to my prospect in...
  8. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    You are a second person giving me this advice, I'll definitely will try to work with him since he has suggested it already. Thanks for your honesty!
  9. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #27 I just realized that the font I'm using to write here looks like spammy emails I get everyday... Didn't do that much, but wasn't binging too much either. Things I did today: did a lot things on the website (most of the structure, most of the copy) did drafts of the logotypes to show...
  10. P

    SIDE HUSTLE WEB DESIGN How to create a good Website?

    Hey @kcaps ! Do you mean that people do not visit the website or they do not stay for long for it (bounce rate is high)? If it's the former - there are many ways to get traffic to your website. You can read about SEO or paid ads or any other channel you can imagine. If it's the latter - you...
  11. P

    HOT! MARKETING WEB DESIGN E-Mail Marketing Agency (Not Webdesign, but same Principles apply)

    That's awesome! I believe that you probably already do this, but I'll mention this just in case - having clear goals and timelines is great, but having it broken down to every month, every week and every day - that's huge. This way you can really measure if you are doing things properly or not...
  12. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #26 These are some words of the truth. It was tough to read but yeah - it is all correct. I don't put enough effort into it. And that's that. Thank you @lowtek once again. And thank you for this thread: THIS I have to change the way I work. The framework you've given me leaves no room...
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    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Hey, you are right. Thank you
  14. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    More or less yea...
  15. P

    MINDSET Mindset

    Exactly @davidv9kids ! I hope you you'll love unscripted as much as I do. Good luck! Have a great read
  16. P

    HOT! MARKETING WEB DESIGN E-Mail Marketing Agency (Not Webdesign, but same Principles apply)

    Hey @Champion Sorry to hear that you got the corona, hope you'll be fine soon. I just wanted to say thank you for every post you've posted here and on the other threads, but this one especially. This one is absolutely motivating to me, that's the one that pushed me to do things many times and...
  17. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #25 So I missed another day. I'll go with number 25. Basically the days I missed I was binging. Eating and living like sh*t. I was terrified to make a mistake. Finally the pressure was too big to handle so I just started doing things I'm supposed to do. One by one. I worked. So right...
  18. P

    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #24 I forgot once again. Things I did yesterday: learned some things about Facebook and a value of organic traffic That's it, see you later in the day
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    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #22 I missed yesterday but I'm keep going. Things I did yesterday: learned a lot about mindset: why emotions are important but not THAT important, how we operate on everyday basis, why memories are almost always false... Day #23 Things I did today: decided to do better research next...
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    HOT! EXECUTION 4 months left - all or nothing

    Day #21 Working out possibly everyday from now on. Things I did today: got the contract ready got the invoice ready got the palette of colors ready started on logos learned more about facebook ads copy That's it for today, see you tomorrow