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  1. hyperreal

    Feedback on process automation and ERP system in your company

    I want to help startups and small companies improve, digitalize and automate their business processes. I would like to provide consulting services for implementing ERP systems, processes and automations using 3rd party tools. This will allow me to leverage my industry experience and education in...
  2. hyperreal

    How Can Time Be Effectively Used Whilst In A Full-Time Job?

    What about asking your employer to change your work rate to 80%? the weekly employment/business effort ratio changes from 5/2 to 4/3, which can make a big difference. Some companies allow this and consider 80-100% work as full-time and tend to be flexible with interns.
  3. hyperreal

    Meetup in Switzerland Zürich, Geneva or Bern?

    I am in! It would be nice to chat and build a local community.
  4. hyperreal

    ChatGPT AI is a huge breakthrough, a Google killer

    HOT! CHAT - AI - 
    I use ChatGPT in my daily life for things like composing emails, learning foreign language, writing scripts for presentations so mostly generating stuff. It is overall very useful, but post editing is needed each time. I wouldn't take any advice from it, though. In theory yes, in the future...
  5. hyperreal

    Ask Me Anything About SaaS ( I'm building my 7th )

    Hi @eliquid. First of all, thank you for sharing your knowledge and taking time to answer everyone. I have been going through this 5 year old thread and it is awesome. The following topics have been touched on briefly, but I would like to ask you more specific and detailed questions. I selected...
  6. hyperreal

    What's up Switzerland?

    I want to create a sort of mastermind group locally with online or physical meetups, to exchange knowledge and talk about things specific to our business environment. I am also in ZH area.
  7. hyperreal

    Mental Health, Depression, ADD Discussion Thread

    100% agree. Too many people try to disconnect body and mind as if they were independent, when in reality, you need a functional brain to have a healthy mind. The brain is a part of our body in the end. Bad metabolic health can lead to imbalances in hormones in the endocrine system, and have...
  8. hyperreal

    What's up Switzerland?

    I was about to create a similar post. Is the group still active? I am in.
  9. hyperreal

    Taking a ride in the slow lane -- and it's been great!

    Thanks for sharing this great story and looking forward to next posts about your journey. Wish you all the best. You story shows well how slowlane is very sensitive to lockdowns and pandemics. The fastlane is more and more becoming the only way to live rather than just a better way. My The...
  10. hyperreal

    Hello Fastlaners

    Hello Fastlaners, After finishing high school I decided to give the Slowlane a try, and it all went quite well for what this lane has to offer. I got a degree in a highly specialized field of engineering and got a high-paying job right away. I got many promotions, to quickly realize that there...
  11. hyperreal

    I've Read The Millionaire Fastlane!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I read it a few years ago and reading again recently to write down best quotes. Great book for mindset. Thanks MJ!
  12. hyperreal

    I've Read UNSCRIPTED!

    GOLD! HOT! 
    I have read Unscripted.

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