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  1. Ayush6543

    Year End Thought Exercise: 10 Questions to Ask about This Year

    What was your biggest triumph? Was there several, or none? Why? My biggest wins this year are getting 2 sales from my starter kit, building meaningful relationships, and practically applying marketing tactics. What was your biggest struggle? Did you overcome it? If not, how can you change it...
  2. Ayush6543

    MRiabov's AI short execution thread

    What are you building man I don't F*cking get it as a software entrepreneur?
  3. Ayush6543

    Almost got into a street fight today... thoughts?

    What if someone winks and whistles at your girlfriend? Should you punch him in the face or threaten him? If they are in a group and you two are by yourselves, what should be done?
  4. Ayush6543

    I feel devastated and lonely.

    To date, combining Reddit, Twitter, and Product Hunt, I have gotten around 2.7k impressions. My customers don't reply to my emails or DMs. These 2 sales boosted my confidence a bit, giving me the confidence that I can build something that people want; before this, I thought that I would never...
  5. Ayush6543

    Killing Cable Television

    I am using free 5g for the last one year in Indi as telecom companies are testing their network. I have prime subscription and can't remember when was the last time I watched anything on traditional cable
  6. Ayush6543

    How can you teach or encourage resilience?

    I am 19, and I also struggle with discipline. Some things that are keeping me accountable is to do lists with daily reminders, realising that I only have to win today. Even after applying these I still sometimes scroll social media mindlessly. I started using cold turkey today. I belong to a...
  7. Ayush6543

    Building Products and Sell Them via E-Commerce [Progress Thread]

    Why don't u try marketing your product on Tik tok? I have seen young founders spending $350 on an influencer and making thousands in return.
  8. Ayush6543

    Random Chat, Thoughts, Posts, and/or Rants Thread

    HOT! CHAT 
    Wow, what an amazing article! I was thinking about not going to uni, but now I will try to get into one of the best in India. It just changed my whole perspective on life. I am gonna apply the things I learned. I would get overwhelmed while doing some marketing experiments on Reddit and...
  9. Ayush6543

    I feel devastated and lonely.

    I launched spiralsaas.dev on August 21. The market was very saturated, with many players already operating similarly. The differentiation I had was an integration that they did not provide along with my pricing. One customer discovered our product on Product Hunt, while another customer has...
  10. Ayush6543

    I feel devastated and lonely.

    Hey guys, This is a rant. From a long time I have been thinking to seek advice on my situation from you guys My biz has failed (did $78 in sales since launch). I spent a lot of time working on the development and marketing, sacrificing hangouts with my friends and family. Yesterday was Diwali...
  11. Ayush6543

    Happy Birthday MJ! [Video]

    Happy Birthday, MJ! Just wanted to say a huge thanks for building this amazing community and letting people like me join for free. You write with such clarity; it's like you're someone who truly understands my problems.
  12. Ayush6543

    Ayush Kumar's progress thread.

    Guys, I made a sale 2 days ago, but Lemon-Squeezy wouldn't let me withdraw it until it reached $50. I got another idea while promoting my product on Reddit. After posting in a few subreddits related to my niche, I realized that people on Reddit don't like promotional posts and consider them...
  13. Ayush6543

    Rejected from UNI: My parents affecting my life choices

    Hell yeah. F*cking awesome progress. I am a student in high school. I have launched 2 businesses both failed. My question to you is how do you come up with ideas? What are your marketing strategies?
  14. Ayush6543

    Avoid action faking in the idea stage.

    Find out a gap/need/problem. Make an MVP. Get that MVP out in front of potential customers. Take feedback.
  15. Ayush6543

    Improving the conversion rate

    How is it different from shipfast or supastarter
  16. Ayush6543

    Improving the conversion rate

    Could you please provide a link to the website?
  17. Ayush6543

    Ayush Kumar's progress thread.

    Just launched Spiralsaas on product hunt. spiralsaas
  18. Ayush6543

    Ayush Kumar's progress thread.

    Yes, they can also develop solutions independently, but it's like hiring a window cleaner to clean my windows so I don't have to. I think you misunderstood. I am selling a product that they can buy and use. There's no need for me.
  19. Ayush6543

    Ayush Kumar's progress thread.

    Setting up authentication, databases, and other services can be time-consuming. I want to simplify the process for developers creating their own SAAS using Appwrite.
  20. Ayush6543

    Ayush Kumar's progress thread.

    Currently, my pricing is $39. It's a one-time fee, so to reach $5k I need 129 customers.

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