brand awareness

  1. E

    Is paying for brand name rights a stupid idea?

    I have been looking for a good brand name for a few days and I finally found something today but it is selling for $5895, which includes a logo design and domain registration. What do y'all say to this? Is it dumb to pay that much for a name you really like? The business is online and needs to...
  2. Nelow

    The perfect place to donate all excess ideas

    Greetings thanks for taking the time to follow my brand consulting business execution. Along my journey I have picked up a few skills necessary in building a presentable business brand, Skills such as graphic design, videography, Web design, Content creation, and more recently digital...
  3. TreyAllDay

    How to Give Your Business an "International Presence"

    Just thought I'd do a quick thread on a few interesting things I've done over the last year to make my business seem "bigger" than it is. I'm also curious if anyone has done anything similar, and how they boost the image of their business. When I first got started I was seeking to bring a few...
  4. jdcorwin

    Am I in the right business? Perspective from an Artist

    I recently finished reading The Millionaire Fastlane and it confirmed prior thoughts I had toward my business. First of all, The Millionaire Fastlane is an incredible book! I have read dozens of other financial/self-help book and they come no where near the content delivered in The Millionaire...
  5. Consolation

    How do you compete with other 45,567 businesses?

    Billionaire, Mark Cuban says business is the ultimate competition. It's an unending battle. Who knows one unknown little boy will steal your customers and crushed your creation in a matter of time. (e.g : MySpace vs Facebook). He even challenged the small businesses to compete with big known...

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