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business to government

  1. Mbehr1983

    Logistics Business

    I have been working in logistics for the government and am leaning towards starting a business in that field. I plan to start a brand with a newsletter. I will then add classes and courses to sale Eventually I’d like to incorporate AI into the field At the end of this I’d like to start doing...
  2. Y

    An expert in winning >$100M government contracts trades 50+ hour work weeks making her company rich to strike out on her own.

    That would be the article headline a year from now. I have a corporate job winning multi-year technology contracts (most recently between $400M-$850M). While I make multiple six-figures doing this for a living, I want to be calling the shots. I want to be deciding how I spend my time. I want...
  3. MHP368

    B2G "the biggest transfer of wealth in American history, much worse than the robber barons."

    Great article here Basically this is going over some fraudulent contract work regarding the navy... but , just the size of us military spending makes this opportunity worth discussing. The last time it was brought up on the forum it was regarding some lady who failed to deliver food to puerto...

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