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debt repayment

  1. MJ DeMarco

    Where do I invest? The Fastlane Capital Allocation Model...

    Have excess money? Not sure where to invest it? Here's something to think about... Also, I do recommend skipping to "Invest $ Into Passive Investments" with a tiny amount, just to get a taste of paycheck pot income early, even if it is only $10/mo. I thought we had a thread on this, but...
  2. MJ DeMarco

    Basic Financial Intelligence is Fastlane: Some Simple Strategies to Use Now.

    Due to popular request via this thread and also here... I thought I'd create a core thread that highlights some basic financial skills that can help you transition from Slowlane to Fastlane. These strategies have helped me preserve capital and made me debt free most of my life. The...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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