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  1. S

    Finding my passion

    MJ, I can't thank you enough for reading your first two books TMF and Unscripted It has opened my eyes. I went from a broke Nigerian in poverty to someone with extreme knowledge to make money. Remember MJ talked about hell in Unscripted? I saw hell. I saw untimely death. When I was given...
  2. nopalmer

    QR Codes vs. Tickets for Small Events - What's Your Take?

    QR Codes vs. Tickets for Small Events - What's Your Take? My friend is organizing a small event to promote a new service his startup offers, and he's thinking about using QR codes instead of traditional tickets for registration and check-ins. Believe it or not, this initiated a philosophical...
  3. Kasimir

    What's up Switzerland?

    Hey guys We, a small group of Swiss Entrepreneurs, want to create a local networking group. At the moment we are only people from the German-speaking part of Switzerland, but we are open to everybody from our area. We just thought it would be great maybe share ideas, answer questions and help...
  4. V

    Started a Website that displays certain events of my region

    Hey folks, I am happy to share content with you guys for the first time. Its about my website that i just launched three weeks ago. On the page, I plan to connect potential customers that want to take part in special events that you can do just in my area. So my plan is to build a...
  5. Marius973

    Should I go to the birthday party?

    hello to you, A few days ago a friend who is in my class at the school my guest at her birthday for these 18 years. ( He is not a close friend I know him only for 1 years) and it’s gonna be a great evening with a lot of people that I know a F*cking good night between students ( Plus with...
  6. El Príncipe

    Deciding On Next Steps - Input Welcomed

    When I was 19, the summer before college, I came across The Four Hour Workweek and devoured it. Imagine, I was raised in a stay at home, single, immigrant mother household. This book opened my eyes to a world of new possibilities, things unimaginable, unfathomable, and since then I've wanted to...
  7. MJ DeMarco

    Teaching Teens Process over Event (Parenting Tip?)

    As you know, the world is set-up to glorify the EVENT: Fast results, instant gratification, and on-demand satisfaction. You want to binge a particular TV Show? You got it, just fire up the NetFlix. You want to listen to a particular band? Why wait for the radio, just queue it up on Spotify...
  8. DVU

    It's so easy

    It really is. It is so easy to get lost in the distractions of life. Just that one episode, just one hour of that video game, just one drink, just one. And that one turned into two and that two turned into "Oh that dream? I'll do it tomorrow, I worked hard. I can rest" One day goes by, two...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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