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execution thread

  1. Mbehr1983

    Logistics Business

    I have been working in logistics for the government and am leaning towards starting a business in that field. I plan to start a brand with a newsletter. I will then add classes and courses to sale Eventually I’d like to incorporate AI into the field At the end of this I’d like to start doing...
  2. lifemaker

    What Do You Think?

    After getting a nice knuckle-sandwich for my poor execution, I sat down and did a Kinetic Execution Plan. (which I now understand I should have done 9 days ago...) The plan is posted bellow, if anyone would like to give it a read and maybe share view on the idea afterwards. Traditional Window...
  3. BusinessValue

    [Progress Thread] My Personal Life & Business Journey

    Happy thanksgiving to everyone celebrating it! Week 1 Progress Thread: This might seem weird to start a progress thread on Thanksgiving, but just because it's a holiday, doesn't mean the journey takes a break as well - it's continuous progress everyday. I wanted to make this to show where I've...
  4. darkomind

    Family recipe to food business [Progress Thread]

    Hi all, I'm reading Escaping the Rat Race and new on this forum. I recently read Yula's Fastlane Journey thread and got inspired to write my own. I will do my best to update this thread every weekend. I'll structure my thread in three sections: :star: Weekly personal goals: namely sports...
  5. GoldenGlow

    GoldenGlow's Accountability Thread 2023

    Why I’m posting this thread Focus and mental clarity. . Seasoned entrepreneurs can watch the watcher far better than I can right now, so they can help guide my focus back to the habits conducive to attaining results. They can also aid me in forming systems conducive to long-term success, rather...
  6. Zkskak


    Hey hope you guys are doing well! Decided I would create an execution thread to track my progress and provide insights for others in my situation. I’m in school working to break into quant finance. I’m a freshman, but have been getting internship offers, applying to undergrad research in the...
  7. F

    I think I'm not that guy anymore - Took me YEARS - FTE and execution

    Hello, Yes, I'm that guy. Sorry @MJ DeMarco, you haven't changed my life... yet :) The one who read all the books (TMF in 2016), and got nothing much done except for some action-faking. I know I'm far from being the only one. Even so, something has started to change in the past year. I'm...
  8. RayanMargham

    Executing an AAA Agency

    I'm gonna start this thread to keep me accountable. I noticed that businesses (especially smaller ones) are looking to implement AI into their business in some form due to the recent AI craze so I'm going to start an AI Automation Agency to appeal to this need and provide value. Week 1 Goals...
  9. Hassassin

    Hassassin's ecommerce journey

    I'm finally kicking off a serious D2C e-commerce project with me and my wife and I'm calling it "project Brandkenstein." Without giving too much away, it's in the women's accessories/fashion (kind of) space and caters to the British-Asian demographic here in the UK. The idea surfaced from her...
  10. TimoS.

    Progress Thread - Follow me on my path

    Introduction Hey guys, my name is Timo and I am currently 17 years old. Last spring I came across MJ’s books TMF/ Unscripted and fell in love with the idea of entrepreneurship. But I was way too scared to take action. I made up excuses and believed bullshit such as that I am too young and I...
  11. Yula

    [PROGRESS THREAD] Yula's Fastlane Journey

    Hey everyone, After some time I have decided to make an execution/progress thread. I will try my hardest to update this thread at least once every two weeks. I'm also making this thread since I know if I don't keep true to my promise that I'll feel embarassed, which will motivate me to keep on...
  12. xShepherdx

    xShepherdx's Progress Thread: Building A Fastlane Business

    For a bit of backstory, check out my intro post here. Since starting my business 3 years ago, I've spent been struggling to make it profitable. For the curious, this business is a digital eCommerce business operating in a creative niche. But as of today, I am FINALLY happy to report that...
  13. The Rizzler

    The Rizzler Strikes it on His Own || Business execution thread

    My purpose for this thread I plan to use this as a blog/discussion thread to document the step-by-step of my journey in self-ownership and entrepreneurship. I hope to hit on details that are skipped over by people afraid to "let out all their secrets". This stuff may seem obvious, but for me, it...
  14. ironmind

    Ironmind - Road to 2k € per month after taxes

    Hi everyone, it's ironmind here. I am a 27-year-old male from a European country, working a 9-5 job with a strong technical background as a programmer. I have several side projects that generate some extra income. My objective is to continue working on these side projects until I can generate...
  15. Desolation Row

    Building a Pedalboard brand. (Execution)

    Dear fellow Fastlaners I finished reading all three of MJ's books in Early December. They were eye-opening to me and since then I have been researching ideas for my first „Fastlane business“. In the past, I started with some ideas but didn’t see instant results, so I decided to commit to this...
  16. Jeix

    Finally Entered the Fastlane - Hobby store & Ecommerce - Progress thread

    Hello fastlaners, I've been meaning to make this thread for a while. - A short summary of my life - I'm from Italy and I'm turning 29 this year 2023. I first read The Millionaire Fastlane 5 years ago when I was working in real estate and being paid under the table to ring doorbells for over 40...
  17. savefox

    Starting a carpet cleaning business

    Hello, I'm 21 years old. After 2 years of wasting time and action faking I decided to start a home service business, specifically carpet cleaning. I will be doing hardwood, tile and upholstery as well. I chose this idea because it's pretty easy and inexpensive to start, doesn't require any...
  18. OVS

    Buying and growing micro startups as a software developer

    Two days ago, I was at an event with 10 beginner founders, sharing their business failures, including my own, a SaaS for designers to get feedback. A 27 yo woman joined the event and my god did she put me to shame (I am 27 too). She bought her first stand in a farmers market at 16 for 1k$, sold...
  19. Diego Liu

    Mastering YouTube & Traffic in a "Fastlane JOB"

    Back in 2020, I desperately wanted to make enough money for myself so I could drop out of Dentistry. After trying out many things online (mainly action-fakes), I wrote this email to John Sonmez from Bulldog Mindset (I actually found out about MJ and his books through this interview John did with...
  20. Joejordan95

    What would you do? - Jetwash cleaning biz

    Hey Everyone, On recommendation from @Fasted I decided I'd try my own execution thread. The Situation My partner and I are looking to buy our first home and because of this we have spent the last few months in paid employment in dead end jobs that neither of us really like but we're doing it...

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