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  1. Maxkaz

    How would you leverage this?

    Hey, fastlaners! I am here with you for more than a year. The principles of MJ`s book have grown deep roots into my skull while I was working my night shifts on a factory for a near-minimum wage. And more than a year in they are still there when I go buy the piece of equipment more expensive...
  2. A

    Make Tariffs great again? At least for someone?

    What do you think are the best products to get now to sell on ebay/Amazon later, when tariffs hit? 20% on everything, 60% on China. Got to be able to make some money on such trade, before spending the profits.
  3. S

    [Fake Door Testing] Does anyone want to test your new product in S.Korea? if so, I can help you for free

    Hi there, I'm a founder of a start-up in S.Korea. I've been developing market research algorithm and I want to do a small experiment, which I call price testing! I assume most of you have heard of the fake door testing. If you haven't and want to know how it goes, check this out (not promoting...
  4. avrashadrahman

    Want to export anything from India?

    Hi If you guys any help exporting any products from India .please do let me know will give you full support. Thank you :)
  5. M

    I need advice: Importing US to Central Europe

    Dears I need guidance and motivation. I am from Central Europe. At present, I work as an insurance broker, but I lose my motivation. I read TMF all the time and I support you! In addition, my wife sells small items on eBay. I found a product on the US market that is not in Europe. The samples...
  6. tiagosoares17.22

    Preparation To Approach Retailers & Wholesalers

    [Some Context] We are in the wine business for the last 10 years. We have been selling wine locally with some success but we are now looking for foreign markets. Our goal is to sell our wine in a specific country, far away from where I am from. [The Challanges] I am travelling to that country...
  7. BigInJapan

    Hi from Japan

    Hi, I just wanted to introduce myself. I have been reading this forum for years, but just now I started to listen to the Fastlane audiobook and I feel the need of switching from slowlane to fastlane. In the past I had an export business in Thailand which was really going great, but I failed to...
  8. Alex R

    Entrepreneur to IT Career back to Entrepreneur

    Hi All, I was born in Miami FL and I am a 29 year old IT professional. After owning two small businesses (DJ Productions and Convenience Store), I decided to pursue a career to spend more time with my family. Now I realize I was one the right track but doing it wrong. If I combine all my...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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