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gaming addiction

  1. Raedrum

    Video games addiction: effects on brain (biochemical analysis from psychiatrist)

    I came accros this video on youtube and I think it will help people who are struggling with video games addiction He is an old games addict that became psychiatrist and his explanations are really useful He center his analysis around the differences between dopamine and serotonine, and...
  2. ramony

    Escaping the Materialistic Trap: Gaming, Productivity, and Authenticity.

    In this post I uncover the materialistic underpinnings of the gaming and productivity worlds. Drawing from my personal story, we will explore the allure of consumerism, the illusory promises of material possessions, and the transformative power of "self-reflection" In these seven points. 1...
  3. buznezGopher

    Why I've decided to sell my gaming PC

    I have a top notch gaming PC (RTX 3080, Ryzen 9 5900X for you nerds) that I built 8 months ago. It's a beast of a PC that plays anything and everything thrown at it, on ultra graphics. I've played some demanding games like the latest MW2 and MW1, and I've spent some hours in Ready or Not...
  4. A

    Throwing Away The Keys: A Simple Strategy To Counter Addictive Activities

    This is intended for those who struggle with addiction in the digital realm. Though, I suppose one could do this in real life too. If you have trouble checking social media, logging into an online video game, then I suggest that you consider to "throw away your keys". 1. Change your login...
  5. Cognitive Corgi

    Certified LOSER living on mum's couch!! Gaming Addict looking to turn things around!

    I have never stood up for a damn thing in my whole life and I'm sick of it. Getting halfway through Unscripted rekindled me in a big way. Now it's time to do something about it. I'm almost 26. No major accomplishments in life. Pretty much lived as a basement-dweller. You're looking at someone...

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