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  1. jamespollard

    10 Lessons I've Learned From 10+ Years Of Building Businesses...

    Hey, I’m a long-time lurker (I had an account before this one) but a first-time poster. I’ve been building businesses for 10+ years. I’ve done stuff like e-commerce, office cleaning, and publishing. I’m not a billionaire or anything like that, but I’ve done okay. I’ve adopted many of the...
  2. opticalillusion

    Lessons I've learned within 2 years of pursuing the fastlane - 14 to 16

    Hello everbody, I first read the Millionaire Fastlane back when I was 14, and shortly after joined this forum. It has completely changed my mindset and here are some valuable lessons I've learned over 2 years. Learn as many skills (at least fundamentally) as possible to see what you are...
  3. DreamLund

    Alex Hormozi - 14 Life lessons I wish I knew earlier

    Hello people I'm interested in hearing if anyone have implemented some of the lessons that Alex shares in this youtube video. If you have an opinion on any of the 14 lessons, and if it's something here that you would change that you don't really agree with. Please explain why you think that way...
  4. JByers210

    Business Crashed and I Worked in a Cold Warehouse for the Last Six Months... My Last Day is Today.

    Hey everyone, I shouldn't be up late but I wanted to just update where I'm at in my journey so maybe some of you can see it's ok to fail and have hiccups... and sometimes make really dumb decisions... and that it's all part of the process. There's no way to fit everything in here but I'm going...
  5. Joa.Tra

    My first business failed but this is what I've learned.

    Hey. I'm Joanna. My first e-commerce business failed. Here's what I learned along the way. From the beginning I want to thank Mj, but also the whole community. For the motivation you guys give me. For showing me that if you put your energy and soul into building a business, you can do it...
  6. A

    My first business attempt failed

    Hi guys and gals Wasn't on the forum for quite some time. I've been working on a business with a good friend of mine and we just decided to "close shop" and move on. a bit of background: (long story short) the business required cooperation from a certain industry's people. neither me nor my...
  7. ZahScr

    We May Have Been Closer Than We Realized: A Lesson in KE

    Skip to bottom for TLDR + Lesson bullets. I recently finished Unscripted, and it made me stop reflect again on my first swing at a business. I started it in 2015 with a good friend. We were in the service industry at the time. We had no idea how to start a business. We had never heard of MJ...
  8. Ksalazar

    Blue Collar Millionaire Progression

    My name is Kendrick Salazar I haven't been on this forum in quite some time but still am a big fan of this forum love hustlers and the shared love for the grind. Background I went to school for engineering and computer science then dropped out because I just couldnt stop dreading the idea of...
  9. Bonelli

    The top 22 lessons life taught me as a Handicapped Person

    I've been through an accident when I was 1 year old and had my hand handicapped, also I've got a lot of diseases and I really don't know how I am alive and healthy today and here are 22 things I've learned through life that you can benefit from too (Enjoy!): 1 - Most people are way better than...
  10. PureA

    3 Quick Lessons from Andy Black to Turbocharge Your Fastlane Journey

    I spoke with Andy recently. I learnt some great stuff. I wanted to flesh out some of my top takeaways. So here they are. Andy really is the embodiment of his writing. When he writes, it's from battle tested ideas developed through trial and error, and a wealth of experience. You can play big...
  11. DennisD

    I'm not making a SECOND BURGER for free!

    The Scene. You're at local diner. It's a small place. The cook and his wife run it by themselves. You've eaten there twice before and you came in today for a burger. You order and hand over your $10. After a while, the cook/owner approaches. "I accidentally dropped your burger on the floor"...
  12. JohnathanJena

    Professional Drummer seeking advice on online business

    Hi there! I am Johnathan and am a professional drummer (endorsed by companies, etc. all that jazz) and I love drumming more than anything. I want more than anything to make a living and a rich life playing drums but have run into a snag. I want to start an online drum tutoring business and...
  13. DennisD

    I EFFED UP bad, but I'm better for it

    Wow. 3.5 years. It feels like a lifetime. Well I'm back. Where'd I go? That's a story. Upset hundreds of customers Burned bridges and ruined reputation Went blind for 3 months Betrayed close friends Lost every client Went broke Was threatened and smeared Darknet Left a toxic relationship Did...
  14. C

    TLDR; Feedback on my sales page (Plus a brief progress/execution episode)

    Hi Guys, TLDR; First-time entrepreneur. It seems taking on a partner is a bad idea, so I’ll be occasionally engaging you guys and seeking your priceless thoughts. For now, I would appreciate your brutal feedback on my sales page here: The Ultimate Guide! First time I was here, I could hardly...
  15. B

    Advice on a golf instruction business.....

    - I had an account here for quite a few years but can’t remeber my login info. I was an insider for one year. - little about me...25 years old been playing golf since I was a child. I am a plus handicap......I know the golf swing inside and out. I’ve read all the books watched hours and hours...
  16. Kimmy XD

    eBay And Amazon Rookie Mistakes & Life Lessons

    Hello guys, I know I'm new in this society of fastlane thinkers and I thought I'd share my own story on how I went from high to low. I hope anyone who reads this learn from the mistakes I've done and the lessons I've learned. Early in 2016, I have flipped the light switch on by accident. I...
  17. VentureVoyager

    Hello! from a location-independent self-publisher. My journey so far

    Hello! First off, I'm happy to be a part of this awesome community! I just realized I suck at introducing myself, so I will try to keep it short. Originally from Poland, born in 1990. I've been into the self-publishing business since 2014. I took it seriously from the very beginning and...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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