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  1. E

    Can the IRS reimburse me for my expenses given that I have earned $0 in revenue?

    Hello readers, I am a single member LLC registered in the US. I have invested close to $10,000 in expenses in the attempt to start seeing some revenue back. However, it will be close to 2 years now, without a dime in revenue. When filling for tax returns, can the IRS reimburse my expenses...
  2. Keushei

    Virtual offices..

    Does anyone have experience using one/can recommend one? Need an adress to set up Ltd in Uk and need a buisnesss address that isn’t my home. Thank you in advance for any help, appreciate not the most exciting post
  3. S

    LLC for beginners

    Hey forum folks, Excited to be part of this community diving deep into business intricacies! At my small publishing business, we cover a variety of topics, with a strong emphasis on business and investment. Recently, we've been honing in on a particularly fundamental subject – LLC formations...
  4. H


    Hello all! I am currently finishing up prototype testing for my very first product in my e-commerce store, and I'm now trying to get a quote on 1000 units of my product, so I can begin selling. Although I eventually will have my own website for the brand's products (commandment of control), I...
  5. Crafty

    Question About DBA/Legal Trade Name

    Hello all! TLDR: As someone with a business incorporated in Wyoming under a different name than what my e-commerce website is called, do I need to file for a trade name for the state of Wyoming? Does me living in a different state affect this at all? More details: I filed for an LLC through a...
  6. Nate_34

    Started my first LLC - From play-faking to taking action.

    I've spent the past year dreaming of a Fastlane and taking small steps towards making it happen. I read Millionaire Fastlane, then listened to MJ's other two books on Audible. I've spent the past 6 months listening to books on tape during my commute each day to work. It's been primarily a mix...
  7. PPrince

    LLC formations by non US persons

    Hello forum, I am researching business payment options in tandem with my business system concepts (I have to execute my plan this way, as I am not a US person). My search led me to consider Legal Zoom for advice regarding LLC formations. I contacted them and was told I would have unlimited 30...
  8. GlobalWealth

    LLC and Corp Formation and Registered Agent Service in all 50 States, Virtual Mailbox, Remote Online Notary Services

    Are you a location independent entrepreneur or digital nomad looking for a simplified solution for company formation and registered agent service with clear pricing and fast turnaround? Are you looking for a virtual mailbox solution without hidden pricing for each additional mail item or page...
  9. E

    How do 2 owners of an LLC get paid?

    Hello, So a business bank account will be opened for a LLC company which has 2 members each owning 50%. How does financing work in such case? Can each member have their own separate bank account? How does each member get paid? Can there be a case of one being more dominant than the other...
  10. E

    Register LLC business in Nevada when based outside of USA

    Hello, How do I register my LLC business in Nevada even though I am based out of the US? I am looking forward to your inputs. Thank you
  11. LeoRoosevelt48

    Should we form our LLC in Delaware or Georgia?

    Hello all, My brother and I are starting our own recruitment/training company in the near future. We have been discussing filing in Delaware or Georgia (where we currently live). Here are a couple bullet points of consideration: -We are wanting to form our recruitment/training company to get...
  12. S

    Yearly Corporation Maintenance Fees

    I've seen that there are corporation tax filing fees, and other fees. It looked to be around $1200 USD per year to just maintain a corporation (I could be wrong, I only did a quick search). At what level of side-hustle income would it make sense to switch from a very very liable sole...
  13. Z

    When to incorporate?

    Hi guys. Have been a solo operation running digital marketing and analytics for a couple years now. Income is set to cross over the 6 figure marketing 2019 and just wondering, for tax purposes, if there are any benefits to be had about forming an LLC or S-Corp and paying myself as the sole...
  14. J

    Asset Protection beyond the LLC -- Any experts?

    I've read 5 books on Asset Protection over the last few weeks and my head is spinning. I'm wondering if anyone here has figured out good strategies to keep your money safe when venturing out onto the internet with an online business. The main thing that concerns me is it appears that single...
  15. Jerbear1212

    Just moved: Register my LLC with California?

    Trying to get business LOC and have now had two lenders want me to register my IL LLC (e-commerce) with State of CA. Not sure how long I'll be living here so would prefer not to if there's any way - but I also need the LOC/Loan. Thoughts?
  16. LunchMoney

    How to not get screwed in signing an LLC.

    I truly hope this was placed in the right category, and if not, I'm sure it may be moved. So, one day a few weeks ago a partner and I probe into a local market, take a poll with a local community, and we come up with the fantastic idea of opening a 24/7 gym near my house. Me, an avid gym-goer...

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