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mindset shift

  1. rayi7

    Fastlane Journey Progress Thread: One step at a time

    I recently read @markspray thread about how his son started web design business. What stood out to me was his simple, no-nonsense approach, something we often overcomplicate. That thread gave me a mindset shift, seeing how he landed clients and made money in just 60 days with that attitude...
  2. AdrianW1807

    How I overcame my mental blockades (communication,sport,…,…)

    Today I wanna talk about a very important topic for myself : Mental Blocks. And how I managed to overcome them. Chat Gpt (not really reliable but a rough number for my post is important) says 1 from 4 people struggles with mental blockades in their course of their lives. When I joined the...
  3. BlackSheep01

    Are You Ready to Finally Achieve Your Goals? This Video is for You

    View: https://youtu.be/aoB2CiFNGdc I just came across this video which I found it to be super valuable , so I thought to share it with you guys. This video also acts as a reference for Mj's Goal Sumo System, Backward chaining process . Make sure to take notes and Let's move forward in life. It...
  4. M

    what skills must i learn to become a successful entrepreneur ?

    I am an undergraduate. And I want to improve my knowledge and mindset about entrepreneurship and money. What are your recommendations?
  5. Emma__

    Have I joined the fast lane? Or is this another bad move

    Hi could I ask for some advice on a new job decision? I’m an aspiring entrepreneur and have been a PT for 10 years but dropped out and now looking for another industry that can make me money and hopefully lead to freedom. I have applied to be a sales negotiator at an estate agents, I have...
  6. Peacefulwarrior

    There's never going to be the right time. I have to grow a pair...

    Man, I'm driving myself crazy. Fear of failure, fear of success, not feeling like I'm worthy and fried dopamine. I can't prolong any longer. I've put all this S*** off for AGES and I can't keep doing it. I can't afford to fix my car, I barely have money left at the end of each week. I feel like...
  7. F

    I think I'm not that guy anymore - Took me YEARS - FTE and execution

    Hello, Yes, I'm that guy. Sorry @MJ DeMarco, you haven't changed my life... yet :) The one who read all the books (TMF in 2016), and got nothing much done except for some action-faking. I know I'm far from being the only one. Even so, something has started to change in the past year. I'm...
  8. Fredthedev

    Introducing Alfred Michael - Pursuing Controllable and Scalable Value Creation

    Hey everyone, I'm Alfred Michael, an 18-year-old aspiring entrepreneur, and I'm excited to be part of this discussion. Recently, I had the opportunity to read "The Millionaire Fastlane," which opened my eyes to a whole new perspective on wealth-building. Through the book, I've come to realize...
  9. B

    Eating cereal without milk causes canker sores!!

    Ben, 29 from the Middle East. Have you ever had the world hit you with a major epiphany? Something that is so universally powerful, that the universe just shoves it up your FACE and alerts you profusely to get out to the world what is holding you back? Gratitude is what we're talking about. I...
  10. G

    Growth Mindset Works - Scientific Study Proves It

    I thought the Fastlane Community would appreciate this. A scientific study out of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has found that students with a growth mindset have statistically significant results in their academic outcomes versus those who do not hold a growth mindset...
  11. Mr.Maverick

    Get Out Of The Idea Phase And Start Selling Something Valuable.

    Intro Hey everyone, this is going to be my first real post in the forum. Coming from the slow-lane, reading TMF was such an eye opener that I felt like I had to shift my mindset dramatically just to get moving. I hope this helps some of you get inspired and moving again. Back story I...
  12. Everyman

    I Don't Have a Title For This Thread (Yet)

    I find this forum a special place. I have some kind of emotional attachement to it. So I decided I would share some of my life experience. I have tried before, but in hindsight, I was not developed yet (and I was 31 when I joined the forum, I am 38 now). Maybe this will inspire some of you to...
  13. RayAndré

    Is fight or flight holding you back? Are you feeling survival mode stress?

    I'm pivoting from the previous SaaS I was building to helping people get their bodies out of Fight or Flight, Survival Mode, Sympathetic Dominance, etc, to a place where we can effectively execute on our goals with clarity and confidence. My past 5+ years after joining TFF has been quite the...
  14. D

    Could someone kick my a$$ and make me work on my business?

    TLDR: a mediocre student with a comfortable life, already freelancing, want to expand into a business but is lazy and scared. Feel stressed about it. Need advices. Thanks MJ for this forum! Hi everyone. I was born in a middle-class family. I’m in final year at the university. Life is...
  15. Jakub_koru

    Switching your paradigm

    Everyone spends time trying to become someone else without understanding that you can only become the second best at that. Those folks read and watch a lot about their idols—whether it’s an athlete like the late Kobe Bryant or a business mogul like Elon Musk—and they assimilate everything there...
  16. Erix

    Should I start a business now? (I am 15 years old)

    I still procrastinate much and i do not know if i should start now, i know that i have to educate myself first by reading books and looking at posts in this forum but after reading a lot of books should i try to start? My brain says excuses like you are too young or wait till you are 18. I am...
  17. YelmisPravida

    Life altering insight: Pursuing a clear vision vs. improving iteratively (and how lack of trust in myself led to the latter)

    I've always seen life through an evolutionary lens: The best and safest way to build something is to start with what you have now, identify the current biggest problem or bottleneck, improve that - in a way that is "reversible" should it not work out. Doing this over and over will lead you to a...
  18. wyattnorton

    Inaction Is A Slow Death

    How many times have you taken action, regardless of fear, anxiety, depression, etc. and it turned out to be the best for you? What have you taken action on? What have you not taken action on? Hope you enjoy the video. Would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
  19. Coordin

    The Start of Something Beautiful

    Not sure if this is the right forum section for this post, but let me know and I'll move it to the appropriate section. Hello good folks of FLF! A couple months ago I posted about my learning about the FI community and entrepreneurship and how scared I was to get started. Well, I think I've...
  20. seomatic

    How to deal with the frustration of not moving forward?

    Hello Fastlaners, maybe it's the winter weather or my life just sucks I don't really know, but my mood went just down in the last weeks. I understand the concepts discussed in the book in theory very well and even build my own models to analyze other businesses, KPIs and so on ... However the...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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