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new beginning

  1. 4

    Now introducing, 40more.

    Hi Everyone, I've been debating for a while whether to join this forum, and after much thought, I finally decided to take the leap. A few months ago, after the birth of my twins, I read The Millionaire Fastlane, but instead of taking immediate action, I found myself stuck in deep...
  2. J

    New to the forum.

    Hello guys, I am new to this forum. I work in a restaurant as a demi chef de rang in Strasbourg, France. I came to this platform after reading the millionnaires fastlane. Like most of us on this platform; I want to start a business of my own and gain financial freedom. I am at stage 1 where I...
  3. K

    Looming redundancy, am I risking too much for my e-commerce business?

    Hi all! Series of events from this year: March 2024: Had an idea for a product, this transformed into an idea for an e-commerce business. The product is a unique board game that will target the South Asian diaspora (upwards of 18M people globally). The idea for the game was born out of a...
  4. The righteous

    New attempt, new knowledge. Hey everyone, this is my introduction

    It's almost been a year since I read the Millionaire Fastlane. My entire world was turned upside down and I immediately felt the urge to start a business. So I tried my first business and it brutally failed, partly because there was no real need for it and partly because I gave up on it. Then I...
  5. M

    Business. Ideas

    I'm from india.. I am a collage student .any budy say any advice to mee.... And say any idea?? Please suggest anything
  6. JordanSavard

    Start From Scratch

    Hi, My name is Jordan and this year, I decided to live a life of passion and stop working 5 days for 2 days of freedom. I want to invest my time in something that would allow me to reach freedom and choice. I read a lot of book and a lot of forum on the thefastlaneforum, and I decide to ask my...
  7. Zaparile

    The Start of my Journey

    Hi everyone, I joined this forum a couple months ago because I was watching a YouTube video about the book "The Millionaire Fastlane" I just glanced around for a bit, added the book to my wish list and forgot about it. That is until a week ago when I started reading the book. Let me just say...
  8. Hunday

    What is everybody working on right now?

    What are you guys working on right now? Yes, lurkers you too. Is there any big/small startups you've been working on recently? If there is, what problems have you run into? And if you don't have a business yet like me, what are you doing to start one? What does your personal routine look like...
  9. L

    Overwhelmed and Impressed: My Rollercoaster of First Impressions on the Forum!

    Hi, my name is Lukas, I'm 18 and I am new to TheFastlaneForum, I've read MJ's books, "the millionaire Fastlane" and "unscripted" where he often mentioned his very own forum. So I thought, why not take part in some discussions, read some posts, and see what others pursuing the path I might strive...
  10. Kaiwentsolo

    My Journey of running a B2B Agency

    So in my last post, which was months back, I mentioned being in a group of other high schoolers with the same mindset of achieving freedom in life through providing value. So one friend and I have started a b2b agency that is focused on helping smaller businesses. I've had to discuss with him...
  11. Emma__

    Fresh meat

    Hey everyone! So glad to have found a forum full of like minded, fast lane, entrepreneurs! I don’t have anyone in my life, apart from my boyfriend, that supports any of my choices or understands anything other than the ‘scripted life’ they live Can’t wait to read all of your stories! I am...
  12. N

    Sick of eating whatever life is serving on a given day. Ready to start dictating the rest of my days.

    Hi everyone. I wish I would have read TFM 25 years ago (I know, it wasn't written yet, but that's not the point). A special thanks to @MJ DeMarco for putting this book together for all of us and bringing me here. I hope to leverage all or your knowledge and hopefully share some of my...
  13. Laksh Ramesh

    Just an 18 year old kid learning new stuff

    Hey there fellow fastlaners, my name is Laksh and I had just recently started out digital marketing freelancer. I had done a quite of research and looking forward to put in the work for next 6 months and look where I am getting, I needed a place to hangout with people who were talking money as I...
  14. Lunaticc

    I'm new here

    Hello Everyone, I'm 19 and i'm from France, and I'm so happy today to finally join the community and can communicate with you guys. I just finished reading the book The Millionaire's fastlane, and it was a real blast I'm here to meet some peoples who have the same state of mind as me, I would...
  15. J

    Introduction: Juan Galvez

    Greetings to all who stumble upon this thread. It’s an absolute pleasure to be here. My name is Juan Galvez and I am an ambitious 20 year old. I was born in Cuba and had the privilege of being brought to the United States at 5 years old. Despite that life wasn’t easy just because we made it to...
  16. J

    New guy looking for Mentors

    I am new here and am from Kenya looking to find guidance and mentors. I really want to start a online business next year, right now am just accumulating the tools that I need including the funds. I am certain that next year my business will be online.
  17. Przemy3law

    21 yo from small village situated in Poland

    First things first my name is Przemysław. Village which I mention in title has 20-50 peoples. I was in shitty school in another village which has around 500 people's. Then I got to high school with around 30000 people's. Now i'm in Warsaw finishing second year of Computer Science in not worst...
  18. Paweljestsuper

    Quit my last ever job 2 months ago.

    Hi Guys, I have gone through TMF in audio format in 3 days and immediately dived into Unscripted. 2 months ago I quit my job an am working on launching my business. As a result of the audiobook I am now shifting form a time for money model to one that is removed from my time and scalable. Book...
  19. Tim K.

    print("Hello World")

    Hello friends from the FASTLANE! Before I dive into who I am, I'd like to start with some well deserved gratitude. Thankyou to every single person who interacts with this forum, I really thought that I was alone with the UNSCRIPTED mindset. Some posts on here really helped me grow personally...
  20. pawanthapa

    Hello i'm new in the forum

    Hello guys im new in the forum sorry im not used to it yet im only 16 i am glad i found this book early this has opened a closed ,blocked road for me who never passed in any grade i also dropped out and it emitted a very strong light in the dark abyss of confusion in my life i have a huge amount...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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