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  1. Jaywalker

    Corruption in asset management | Harvard MBAs struggle to find work | Office workers struggle even harder | AI is probably coming for your office job

    Many of the links are to the WSJ, which are paygated. However, I summarized them in this post. Some of the posts have political elements, but I tried to focus on the business implications as I've already grown sick of the national news' play-by-play coverage of Trump's presidency. Perhaps you'll...
  2. L

    Once you quit social media, what did you start using to 'stay current'?

    What are some good resources to try and be aware of trends/shifts/new happenings like that? (Not talking about national/world politics) Share your secrets, quitting social media feels like having an evil spell broken and now I don't know where to look to get a feel for this.
  3. Lex DeVille

    Idea: Real Local News YouTube Channel

    The other night I put on the local news. They opened with a headline about Scranton, Pennsylvania, Joe Biden's home town. Perfect local story except... I don't live in F*cking Pennsylvania. I bet I'm not the only one who gets sick of biased national media stories when I just want to know if my...
  4. Haelios

    PR Suicide and You! Don't be this a**hole!

    I was sifting through the news when I saw this article that just made my blood boil. The TL;DR of this, is that this small wedding videographer company, Copper Stallion Media, is refusing to offer a refund of $1800 to the bridegroom after his spouse sadly passed away. Bear in mind, no services...
  5. A

    Feedback wanted: A new way to consume news

    I have been working on a news aggregator platform Zaream. It basically collects news from multiple sources/platforms across the globe and labels them on the basis of source, genre, and topics. The main idea is to visualize an event (a news) happening in any part of the world from multiple...
  6. McFirewavesJr

    Where do you get your finance news from?

    I've been randomly scraping the web like a monkey for a while and would like to know where you guys get your finance/business related news from. I've been told about the Bloomberg Report so far. What do you think of this one and what else do you have to suggest? Thanks!
  7. windchaser

    News: 18 year old bitcoin millionaire

    Meet Erik Finman, 18-Year-Old Bitcoin Millionaire – CoinSpeaker I came across this news that I would like to share with you as a powerful example of the fast lane mentality, hard work, and what you can achieve, at any age. Despite the news looks at first as sidewalk glorification (the press...

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