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  1. Kavin

    Is university ranking an important factor?

    Hey guys, I will be applying to university in the next 10 months and by next year begin my undergraduate degree. The problem is that I will be applying as an international student and plan on applying to a good uni which has a good startup culture and low tuition fees like below 20k dollars a...
  2. B

    I'm looking for a spark that will ignite the

    For a long time, I have known that I should already be developing my own business, but I'm still in a regular job. I know that I am ambitious, hardworking, and intelligent. I feel that I just lack an idea, a spark, a plan, a business plan, something that would make me know I want to go in this...
  3. L

    Struggling with finding the right path

    Hey, I am in a very lucky situation: I can decide for myself what I want to do. By that I mean that my parents don't tell me what to do and I've been given many other opportunities (for example, living in Germany, being able to go to school, etc.). Therefore in advance: I am very grateful for my...
  4. watchopt

    Eye of the beholder and peculiar eats.

    To executioners, It is a privilege to have this opportunity and to be in with the group who is in-the-know, concerning all things having to do with habits and profitable businesses. Before I lay out the opportunity, these are things curiosity has brought to attention: 1.) Identify the pens we...
  5. P

    Could you please help me find a path?

    I'm not asking for a holding-hand guide here. I only want to get a fresh start with the right mindset and some glimpse of the path I should walk. Back 12 years ago, I was doing a venture with a combination of content marketing and SEO in a high competition niche. The revenue model was...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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