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relationship building

  1. T

    Does having a polarizing personality/character affect success in a sales job?

    I'm considering transitioning out of my current role into a tech sales role or some other kind of sales role. Thanks to IceCreamKid for detailing the benefits and pitfalls of a career in tech sales. I believe that I have a polarizing personality/voice/appearance/social behaviors. And I believe...
  2. R

    Be Nice To People - It Makes Social And Business Sense!

    I am in the process of ringing up businesses to ask for a particular product and service I need. I just rang a company who came up when I put "washing machine short term rental, London, UK". A lady answered the phone and I politely enquired about their delivery range, she replied in an annoyed...
  3. iamivanstoev

    What is the new Internet?

    Hi everybody, as mentioned in my Introduction post I distribute the book The Millionaire Fastlane in Bulgaria. I am collecting feedback from people who are reading it and this is what a client told me three weeks after she bought the book "The book is great but the author was lucky to catch the...
  4. MTF

    Developing Relationships With Top Players - Master Thread

    You've probably heard it at least a few times before: you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Personally, I can't stand hearing it in every single article about being successful, but there's some truth in it. Social influence is real - we tend to behave in a similar...

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