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  1. abandance

    How do I check whether the page is genuine? Warning of Impostor Website Scam Scheme

    Hello Community, When I was working on financing a real estate project, I came across an elaborate scam for high-priced investment brokerage and similar services. A gang of fraudsters is looking for a registered company that has no presence on the web. The managing director found in the...
  2. S

    Getting revenge on a scam company

    So an alibaba company scams you, trade assurance is a scam of its own, your money is lost. Whats the options for getting revenge or putting some hurt on the company to put some pressure on them to send you a refund? At this point, I am looking for a person in China that is a "hitman agent" that...
  3. Stan_

    Is "the Skool Game" a scam?

    I haven't watched Hormozi in a while. I want to change my life and start a business. I saw that he had this video on "What I'd do to start a business in 30 days". The video obviously is 1 big sales pitch for Skool so I decided to check it out. I immediately saw some red flags. The introduction...
  4. GeoffP


    Has anyone run into a product called Air.ai.... looks like Caleb Maddix is behind it. It promises to offer a AI bot that can hold up to 30-40 minutes conversations with people.... but my BS meter is going off. Anyone seen this? What's your impression? Real product that's worth buying or likely...
  5. D

    GoHighLevel - Legit or Pyramid Scheme?

    Wondering what you guys think of this company as I am skeptical to start using them for my marketing agency and currently looking at alternatives such as Zapier, Hubspot and intergrating them together. My concerns: - Clearly marketed towards being MLM (simple YouTube searches show this) - One...
  6. Tiber

    Training Program or another "Peeled Fruit Scam"

    Been looking for a freelance hustler to teach myself the 101s of runing a business and came across Fox's Web Training School and it seems like its exactly what I'm looking for; so, I'm going to do it once I can scape some funds together. In the meantime, I came across another training program...
  7. A

    Employment qualification Scam

    Alright ! I don't have a job now I'm soon to finish college but I would really like to have a job so I can fund my idea and eventually get on the fastlane. I see tons of job qualification on indeed or on the employer website where I see lots of lies and bullshit from employers and all the...
  8. MTF

    Free Marketing Materials from Alex Hormozi... Legit?

    Free solid course on how to create offers: https://acquisition.com/offers-start The guy offers all content for free because he's already made nine figures and only works with bigger businesses to scale them further so no BS "act now" offers hiding at the end.
  9. MJ DeMarco

    The StartEngine Investment... Another 0% Free Loan Scam?

    So StartEngine is raising money through equity... you can have a chance at owning part of the company! Hooray! https://invest.startengine.com/ Red flag #1: Kevin 0leary who seems to sell his soul and his endorsement to the higher bidder. Red flag #2: My experience with WeFunder, read here...
  10. duarf

    17 year old entrepreneur

    Hello I am a 17 year old entrepreneur I have previously made other businesses in indie games and in making YouTube channels
  11. MJ DeMarco

    Avoid the WeFunder Scam and You Avoid Investing Your Money for 0% Return

    Folks who are interested in investing in companies via equity crowd sourcing? Avoid WeFunder. I can't speak for how the other equity-crowd-sourcing companies operate. The platform is a joke for investors, but let me tell you, as an early stage company, its a great place to get 0% loans and...
  12. S

    The Hypocrisy

    Just watched Alux's video 15 Best Books to Get Rich where they put The Millionaire Fastlane as #3. If these people actually read these books, how in the world could they possibly put "Rich Dad Poor Dad" and "Money Master The Game" and many other penny-pinching slowlane books that preach...
  13. Scot

    How are investors from Thailand going to scam me?

    So as some of you know, I’m currently running a Reg CF (equity crowdfunding) fundraise on a public platform. I have gotten a few boilerplate emails for various things from people who scrape crowdfunding sites and SEC reports. This is probably the third random email I’ve gotten from an...
  14. Lucky Lu

    KRIS KROHN real estate training, legit or scam?

    Hi guys, a while ago came across with Kris Krohn videos and I watched him asking people to partner with him to make big money buying and selling rel estate. I did not pay much attention to it, but a couple of years later (now) I came across one of his videos again. Has anyone experienced or...
  15. D

    Is Tim Ferriss a fraud?

    He talks about interesting stuff, but at the end of the day, it seems he is always changing route when encountering an obstacle instead of working hard and pass it which makes him come across as lazy. Some of the things he says are also pretty blatant. I believe the reason why people like him so...
  16. FastlaneSupport

    Wesley Virgin and Ariello Iorio Affiliate Marketing Scam (Or Spam?)

    **** Public Service Announcement Wesley Virgin and Ariello Iorio Affiliate Scam (Or Spam?) In the last week or so the forum has been flooded with Wesley Virgin and Ariello Iorio spam from affiliate marketers. (Guess what? NO FORUM USERS HAVE SEEN OR CLICKED ANY OF IT!!!! It gets deleted...
  17. FastlaneSupport

    John Crestani Affiliate Marketing Scam (Or Spam)?

    **** Public Service Announcement John Crestani Affiliate Marketing Scam (Or Spam?) In the last week or so the forum has been flooded with John Crestani spam from affiliate marketers. (Guess what? NO FORUM USERS HAVE SEEN OR CLICKED ANY OF IT!!!! It gets deleted before it gets to the forum...
  18. JasonR

    Income Store Shut down by SEC, How to Whistleblow Scams

    Well low and behold - I just called this out as a likely scam in another thread. https://authoritywebsiteincome.com/income-store-ripoff/ You can download the Restraining Order and Order Appointing Receiver on the above link if you care to do so. Guys - watch out, out there and use your...
  19. G

    Income Store Site Partners Investors Group (CLOSED)

    Fellow multiple Income Store contracts Site Partner here. Pending recent developments, I've connected with the investors I know starting an invite-only group for current site partners only, so we can collectively help each other maximize our individual investor interests on the investments...
  20. BaiAnrui

    Mentorbox, go or no go??

    Hello my friends, I love reading books, and try to read as much as possible every day. I really have a lot of books on my list that I want to read...but you know time is sometimes an issue. On Instagram I walked into this advertising from Mentorbox, MentorBox LLC. Story looks ok, did...

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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