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  1. domdd

    A quick tour over my past 6 years.

    Hey all, Almost 6 years have passed since I started my first company. How did it started?... My friend and I were members of a bigger brass band. Multiple events are hosted yearly by the band but the earnings of selling food and drinks never reached its full potential. We thought thoroughly how...
  2. ChiraagR

    Hello everyone!

    Hi everyone My name is Chiraag R. And I live in New Delhi, India. I am 34 years old and have been a fitness enthusiast and worked in fitness business since 2009. I started my career as a fitness model back in 2009 and left that job/hobby in 2016. That year I started a famous gym franchise and...
  3. R

    Happy to be here.

    Hello! The onboarding thread recommended posting an introduction, so here's mine. I'm in my mid-twenties and stuck in the routine of a Slowlane job. I've been called to entrepreneurship in the past, and have two startups under my belt. While both were amazing learning experiences, neither were...
  4. Meeth

    Introduction: 16-year-old tryna learn about business and entrepreneurship

    I'm currently a student, Joining this community to learn about entrepreneurship and the fast lane, tryna avoid the modern-day rat race. It's nice to meet you all, I'm looking forward to learning a lot here.
  5. LeonMS

    Currently 9-5, but my Goals are clear

    This is my introduction. I'm Leon, from Germany. I am 24 years old, and learning has been my new hobby since last summer. My main goal is to own the mindset, skillset, and knowledge of somebody who owns a business. My focus is to create something valuable for a market segment with enough...
  6. M

    Greetings from latin america

    Hello dears, I am from Uruguay and I am 30 years old. First of all, let me tell you that I used the translator, sorry for that, my English is not bad but it could take a long time to write something like that and it probably won't be the same way. To give a brief description of me, I come from a...
  7. jjspano

    U.S. Marine joining the Fastlane!

    I'm in my late 20's, served in the Navy for 4 years, worked in counter-terrorism when I got out, started a small company with my buddy doing GMB pages and Google Ad campaigns. We had a small amount of success with it (A few clients, but we weren't bringing in enough money + ran out of cash) so...
  8. sean02116


    Hello everybody, I just joined the Fastlane Forum. I joined because I'm looking for a community of people that share the same goals, ambitions, and priorities that I do. I'm still in highschool so I'm still very much at the beginning of my journey, so I'm looking to talk with people that have...
  9. KJBe

    Introduction and my story

    Hello everyone, I’m probably young for this forum (at 18) although I’m sure I am not the only one. 2 Years ago I had a revelation in college and that was “what the F*ck am I doing here, when I don’t ever want to be a slave in the modern slavery job system.” I didn’t even consider dropping out...
  10. B

    20yo college student running "own window cleaning biz" on weekends

    I probably run a "business" on the "dead" side and want to be more ethical. Hello all, I'm a 20yo male. 3rd year computer science major. I made a decision before reading unscripted to complete college. I'm all As, and I really like work and education in the field. I've been learning and...
  11. jan.galajda

    Glad to be here

    Hello everyone, For the last few months, after I read Millionaire Fastlane, I was just a consumer on this forum. So now I finally decided to also start producing something, even if it isn't going to be something most valuable on this forum. To little bit introduce myself. I am 17 years old...
  12. ajakupi

    Croatian little man

    Hi to all of you which will read this, My name is Arjan and I'm from Croatia. Tbh I am still a nobody, I haven't built a business yet nor do I have anything special to provide except my mindset. I am driven to become libareted from time, locations and liberated financially. But I don't want to...
  13. A

    Introducing myself.

    I've been a wallflower for too long, I thought I would introduce myself. My name is Andrew. Buckle in, this is a long background, but it brings us to today. I have been working in Restaurants since I legally could (and in bars technically since before I legally should have...). In restaurants...
  14. S

    My introduction

    I'm from Bulgaria and currently in last year of high school-18 years old. I never really liked school and was up until last year a very unmotivated and shy individual. An easy-quitter as you can call it, blaming his genetics and upbringing for his misfortunes. It all changed when the youtuber...
  15. Seun Oyediran


    This is me introducing myself, I am Seun Oyediran, from Lagos Nigeria, I am here to get the kick up to move away from the everyday hustlers and build a real life. It will still take a while to understand how this great forum operates..but I will just revisit the Millionaire Fastlane which I...
  16. thejaeded

    Better late than never, yeah?

    Hey Everyone, My name is Jerahmeel, but most people call me JD. Originally from Nevada but currently work with the Federal Government in Okinawa, Japan. 40 years old, married with 4 kids. I've read and listened to the Millionaire Fastlane and I'm currently reading/listening to Unscripted...
  17. Desolation Row

    Hello Forum, Sidewalk Architect here.

    Hello fellow Fastlaners, after silent reading for a few weeks, it’s finally time to introduce myself. My Name is Marcel and I'm from Austria. I'm 32 years old, am married, and have two children (a 3-year-old boy and a one-month-old girl.) I have recently finished my master's degree in...
  18. czellingsworth

    New to this mindset

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and way of thinking after reading two of MJ DeMarco's books. I self-taught particle physics/nuclear engineering and entered the world of nuclear power at the age of 19 where I've enslaved myself through every role inside a nuclear power plant with what I called "golden...
  19. C

    Hi. I'm new, eager to get unstuck from poorness and scarcity into abundance and (financial)freedom.

    Hi people, Call me Mack. Glad to have found this place, as I'm quite excited. Currently reading Millionaire Fastlane on page 200 and it's been an eye opener. The clock is ticking and I want to make a change, today is a better day to start then tomorrow said some motivational guy somewhere in...
  20. L

    Community Introduction

    Good morning everyone. My name is Luke. A little bit about me, I just recently read The Millionaire Fastlane and I am currently reading Unscripted. I worked at Arby's for three years out of high school and have now been in the navy for the past four years and change. I picked up TMF on a...

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The Fastlane Forum empowers you to break free from conventional thinking to achieve financial freedom through UNSCRIPTED® Entrepreneurship where relative value and problem-solving are executed at scale. Living Unscripted® isn’t just a business strategy—it’s a way of life.

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The Fastlane entrepreneurial strategy is based on the CENTS Framework® which is based on the three best-selling books by MJ DeMarco.

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