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student loan

  1. N

    Would you choose option 1 or 2 ?

    Hello fastlaners, I want to go fastlane and am still doing my research on business ideas. I'm a 24 year old french student currently finishing a Master 2 in law and management of cultural heritage (equivalent to a Master of Arts in the UK or US). I also have a law degree. I enjoy producing...
  2. SanaNrah

    Joining a high end business school degree for the Network

    Hi everyone, First of all, as usual, thanks for taking time to read this. I have the objective to launch my company creating an app and launching a start up that I could potentially sell to achieve my escape number goal. I have a business degree from a mid level school and I am learning to code...
  3. Salama2017

    Moving to a Cheaper Area to Pay Off debt

    I have just paid off my $12,500 in credit card debt and now I am focused on paying off $37,000 in student loan debts. My monthly payments for the student loans are $250 but I plan on paying about $500 every month in order to pay off the loan faster. Other than this loan and rent, and do not have...
  4. RazorCut

    I'm 29 Years Old With Nearly $1,000,000 In Debt!

    HOW THE F$*& CAN SOMEONE SO SMART BE SO STUPID! :wideyed::wideyed::wideyed: This is slowlane mentality taken to extreme. This is what happens when huge student loans numb you into thinking that debt doesn't really matter, until it escalates to a point where you come out of your cosy coma and...
  5. Koen_88

    Advice on Student Loan? what to do

    Hi everyone, Here we go, not this again you might think, but it's not a drastic situation but more a question of how can I resolve my debt with a well considered financial decision. I have a similar question as "arfadugus" in the thead below but i didnt want to hijack it. You tell me what to...

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