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  1. MexicanCreator48

    Struggling to find product-market fit for a web app how did you guys solve a lack of product-market fit for your product?

    Hello everyone, I have been for the past few weeks surveying people about their biggest issues when traveling and one of the main issues I focused on is that it is really tough to plan their trip. (See IMG_1485) However, after building the prototype and letting users use the product. I found...
  2. AlessandroC

    Cook what you have: can you help?

    Do you find it tough to maintain a balanced diet with your hectic schedule? How do you manage meal times amidst back-to-back meetings, travel, and long work hours? Do takeouts and quick food fixes dominate your diet, or have you discovered a smarter, more efficient way to nourish yourself...
  3. hexelbyte

    Survey: What Do You Find Annoying Working With Web Designers / Developers?

    I was having a conversation with @Black_Dragon43 and they suggested asking for some feedback about the question in the title of this thread. The reason is to figure out the traps and hurdles that aspiring web designers would face when working with clients. It would be interesting for any...
  4. S

    Investing on high customer-satisfaction companies

    Recently we got a link from our company CEO from a survey regarding customer satisfaction in our market for COVID. It listed companies that had exceeded expectations in customer satisfaction during this time period, listing also customer-satisfaction before coronavirus. Since our company is...
  5. Fr33zerPop

    How should I do market research for my product without offending/annoying?

    Hey there, I'm excited to be creating a graphic product aimed at musicians. However, one of my weak areas (that I love to try to skip) is actually engaging with my potential customers. I'm struggling with a way to ask them about my product without coming across salesy. I know people love to give...
  6. K

    Funnels / ways to test feedback from potential clients

    Hello! What are your tested funnels to test your ideas? I have a very simple concept - people would be able to buy let's say "cartoon portraits" of themselves. Thought about some kind of survey with questions like: [examplery portrait] [x] It is really nice image...
  7. A

    Thesis On Entrepreneur Thinking

    Hi everyone, Currently student in a Business School I have a thesis to do and I wanted to do it on entrepreneurial thinking. For the people who created their company, could you take a few minutes to answer the following questionnaire? It would help me a lot. The link: Questionnaire for a...
  8. W

    Making a news aggregator and I would love all of your input!

    Fresh out of high school and I'm ready to start my own business. This is the first business project I've started and it's currently under development. This is going to be very unique than other aggregators out there in terms of features and customization. I would like to give you all the...
  9. M

    Wantrepreneur turning Entrepreneur

    Hello everyone! My name is Colin, and I'm currently in the planning stages of creating my first business. I'm here to connect with other entrepreneurs, learn from others' experiences, and share knowledge. I'm not entirely sure what sort of things are against the rules here. I have a market...
  10. AlexLegault

    How Do I Properly Conduct A Market Research Survey?

    I've been trying to validate which digital marketing services people need help with the most in order to promote/market their business online. Here's the link if you want to check it out: Digital Marketing Services Survey I've tried posting on Facebook groups, Twitter and another forum, but I...
  11. BigRomeDawg

    HOW TO: Increase customer survey responses

    Are you asking your customers for feedback? You should be. You need to know if your customers are happy. To do that, you need to give them an outlet for them to let you know how they feel. A good time to do this is after they receive something from you. If you’re selling products, send them a...
  12. JSM

    Use Forums and Surveys for Market Validation

    Use free forums and surveys to have your target market validate and make changes to your idea for you. Without spending a dime. You don't even have to be an active member of the community. I created my account on the forum I used to get my idea back in 2015 and had 7 total posts on it. I...
  13. T

    State of Software Development at Startup Companies (in 2017) - Survey

    We’re planning to publish a “State of Software Development” report focusing on startup companies. We already got 100+ submissions for the survey and the data looks really great so far. Our goal is to learn more how startup companies hire and keep talents, manage software development (tools...

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